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Fantasy Tactica #2: Let Thy Foe Overrun

2 Minute Read
Mar 11 2010

Fantasy Tactic: Thou Shalt Let Thy Foe Overrun

Most fantasy players learn that doing the charging is better then being the one charged. This doesn’t always have to be the case though.

Sometimes you can get your opponent in a bad position by simply letting him charge you. This tactic revolves around a bait unit that puts your opponents unit in a unsupported or less then stellar spot or situation.

This first example is useful to any army with chariots or impact causing monsters. This one shows Ogres vs Beastmen. The Ogres charge the chaos hounds not seeing the chariot counter. The chaos hounds are wiped out giving the Ogres an overrun into the gors. The Ogres are then countered by the chariot. Chariot impact hits are before normal combat swings. With decent rolls the Ogres should be held if not beaten off.

This second example is useful for units that can gain ASF. This one shows vampire counts vs warriors. The direwolves are placed in front of the chaos knights. The chaos knights seeing the chance to get the overrun, on the graveguard with vampire, take the bait. However, the chaos player did not assess the situation. The 2 corpse carts while originally not in range will be able to move in the vampire players turn. The 2 bound 3 spells with average vampire magic will most likely guarantee the graveguard and vampire striking 1st. A str 6 or 7 vampire and killing blow graveguard with average rolls should see the anxious knights off.

Would you still rather be doing the charging? Have any ideas to use this with your army BoLS? Give us your opinions.

Author: Revenant
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