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BoLS POLLs: Reader Wishlists

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Sep 14 2010

So we are headed into Q4, and it looks the universe is starting to slowly return to normal in wargaming land as the Summer doldrums recede.  Its time to talk about what you guys want to see more of on your favorite wargames news site.  Here’s your chance to get those opinions in.

Basically wargaming coverage is always a balancing act.  Some times of year, the news flow hot and heavy, at other times it slows to to trickle.  Different game systems are always in or out of favor, and there is the always meta-topics that cut their way through the community like a virus.  Finally lets not forget the entire painting and hobby side of things as well as needing to offer content for both experts and beginners alike.

So lets hear from you today. 

Hit the poll below and lets hear the top things you want to see more of, regardless of game system.  VOTE and make your opinion matter!

Author: Larry Vela
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