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40K BATTLE REPORT: Dark Angels vs Dark Eldar (Video)

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Apr 13 2011
Warhammer 40K
Hi everybody.

The BoLS video battlereports continue. This week we have Darkwynn’s Dark Eldar Kabal of the Orange Blossom facing down BushidoRedPanda’s new Deathwing army. Two tuned Adepticon lists scaled up that little bit to 2000pts just for your entertainment. The Rapier vs the Sledgehammer – who shall prevail?

~Comments are welcome guys! You can expect many more battle reports and videos featuring all aspects of the hobby from your favorite writers, and more. Get on in there and let us know what you liked, wanted to see me improve, and of course Monday-morning quarterbacking is always great fun after a battle report.

Author: Larry Vela
  • Wargames Gallery 4-11-11