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Outside the Box 07-11-14

4 Minute Read
Jul 11 2014

Hello again, this week we have the mighty Cthulhu Cat, Valkir Assault Troops, cosplaying NeoTerra Bolts, Seven Sins and much more!

All Hail Cthulhu-Cat! DarkSword Miniatures added new miniatures to their Visions in Fantasy range:

  -> More DarkSword Miniatures News

The Valkir Assault Troopers will be available soon:

ManorHouse Workshop

Their next project will be a modular modifiable sewer system:

Corvus Belli announced the limited NeoTerra Bolt Cosplay Edition:

This week we got pictures of the Giant Gomagg:

Hawk Wargames

Hawk Wargames published a whole bunch of new Resistance previews:


 -> More Hawk Wargames News

More previews of Wrath of Kings, this time the Ravenscar Mercenaries :

Bolt Action gets reinforcements in form of Chindit anti-tank teams, the Sherman III and individual plastic Bren Carriers, and the plastic Napoleonic Late French Line Infantry is now available:

 -> More Warlord Games News

Mantic Games

The Deadzone Incursion book will introduce the Asterians and the Forge Fathers to the game:

Dark Age Games
And again new artworks of upcoming releases:

 -> More Dark Age Games News

Takashi Akio is a new addition to the Prefecture of Ryu:

The Tracer Light Exo-Mech infantry joins the ranks of the Unity Council:

The Hobgoblinz are getting a command group:

New Firebrand miniatures for Sedition Wars

The “Brother-Collector of the Temple” for Alkemy has been released:

The Nepharite of Algeroth for Warzone Resurrection has been revealed:

And The Others/Seven Sins is an upcoming boardgame developed by Studio McVey and Guillotine Games:

-> More Seven Sins News

The Infamy Kickstarter is a great deal, I always kept an eye on their stuff!

Tabletop Fix
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