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Toxicrene/Maleceptor: The Movie by GW

2 Minute Read
Nov 2 2014
Warhammer 40K

GW shows off their new Tyranid big bugs models – Don’t miss these closeups.

Ohh, look at that cinematography.  The depth of field, the pans, the closeups.  Someone at GW is having a great time with their camera.

I’m torn on these models.  The first thing that seems odd is the exact 90 degree separation between the  top dorsal vents the two rows of spines extending from the left and right.  On every other Tyranid creature the three rows of dorsal spines are much closer together and it has an odd feel on the new models.

That said, the Toxicrene is a very nice model.  The “Cthuhlu head” looks great and characterful, the tentacle arms are really large and full of motion.  Also, the dead Terminator on the base is a nice touch.

The Maleceptor is more of an uphill struggle.  It appears the most insect and beetle-like of any of the big bugs so far, and worse, seems out of touch with it’s fluff and rules.  For effectively a giant Zoanthrope, the model diverges from the “feeble floaty” vibe the other psychic bugs have.  It seems a fairly generic big bug that just had rules slap-dashed onto it, that aren’t a good fit for it’s visual design.

Even something as minor as replacing it’s large-beefy forward scything claws with the teensy atrophied lower claws from the Trygon kit may have helped…

~Have at it.

Author: Larry Vela
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