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GEEKERY: Captain America: Civil War Trailer

2 Minute Read
Nov 25 2015
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The first trailer for the next installment in Cap’s story has dropped… check it out!


There was a bit of a hubbub when the title of the third Cap movie was announced. Where were they going to go with Civil War? We’ve got an answer. Now the question is how far are they going to take it? We’re moving in to phase three of the Marvel movies; with the first wave characters making way for new ones as actors 6 film contacts lapse. Chris Evan’s re-signing has been under scrutiny since he announced his departure from acting in early 2014… which is questionable after he’s recently said stuff like this:

“Listen, if Marvel wants me they got me. I’ve never had such a relationship where you have such – I mean look at my resume, I’m used to being on set being like, ‘Ah is this movie gonna be terrible?’ Marvel just can’t stop making great movies, they do it in their sleep. It’s wonderful directors and producers and actors and scripts, and it’s like a playground as an actor.”

His initial contract offer was 9 films before he renegotiated for 6 – there’s definitely material there for him if he wants it.

Edited after publication to mention: Christopher Markus, Stephen McFeely, Anthony Russo, and Joe Russo are on this project – they were the team behind Winter Soldier. They did a great job at taking on Brubaker’s work, imo. We’ll have to see how they do with Millar. My hopes are high.

What are your thoughts on the trailer, and the future of Captain America in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?


Author: Mars Garrett
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