Wyrd: Malifaux 2E Rules Manual Available for FREE!

Wyrd is giving away the Malifaux 2E rules for FREE via Drivethru RPG. Come see the details & score a copy!
via Wyrd Games
Wyrd is happy to announce that you can now download a free copy of our Malifaux Second Edition rules on DriveThruRPG! With the changes to our organized play program and our expanding player base, we decided to make it easier than ever to pick up the game and start playing.
And, as a special treat, we have updated a single piece of art in the Rules Manual to be something up and coming from Ripples of Fate, due to be released later this year.
Whether you’ve been interested in Malifaux for a long time or are just finding out about it now, it is the perfect time to get the rules and find a game!
Pretty simple stuff here. Follow the Link. Get the Rules. Start playing Malifaux! This rule book is just RULES – no fluff or background. If you want that, you’ll have to get the full version. That said the rules are wholly in the PDF so if you would like an extra (digital) copy you can get it free. And free stuff is always nice!
Quick – what pages was the chapter on Nightmare Tentacles on?