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Geekery: First Inhumans Trailer is Ok, I Guess

2 Minute Read
Jun 30 2017
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The first look at Attilan’s small screen debut is about what I expected it to be.

ABC dropped the first full trailer yesterday, and it’s pretty rough…

Despite touting it was filmed on IMAX, it looks cheap and small. Iwan Rheon’s accent is just weird. The acting is super flat. On top of that, there’s a lot to sell here to audiences that are unfamiliar with the comics: where exactly this fits in the MCU, what/where is this place, why should they care about these characters, and Queen Medusa’s hair (that wig is horrible). They manage to do very little of that. Maybe they’ll get into it more in another trailer, but they don’t have a lot of marketing time.

There are ways to handle weird comics. Legion made a lot of small sets and way out subject matter. It’s a great series. The current Netflix shows manage to get just the right scale for its characters. This… not so much.

Lockjaw is adorable. So, there’s that.

Inhumans premiers in select theaters September 1st – The 8 episode season will start airing on ABC September 29th



Author: Mars Garrett
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