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Dark Apocrypha: Adeptus Mechanicus Week

4 Minute Read
Sep 28 2017
Warhammer 40K

Prepare to submit to your new Robot Overlords! Get caught up on Adeptus Mechanicus (the flesh is) Week at Dark Apocrypha!

This past week on Dark Apocrypha…

Ad-Mech Week


Codex Adeptus Mechanicus – Part 1: Talk Show + Sidonian Nights

Night has fallen on the world of Sidon. The foul Lord Rhynus the Viral of the Death Guard has descended on the Imperial World. His plagues have swept the defenders and population aside and rendered the world uninhabitable. Yet even as he prepares to leave the devastated planet a new fleet arrives in orbit. Magos Narses and his acquisition force may have arrived too late to save the people of Sidon, but there remains valuable secrets of the Adeptus Mechanicus locked in the data vaults of the capital city. Codes to awaken mighty Knight Titans and send them striding into battle. Narses and his Skitarii must fight their way past Rhynus’ forces and recover the data.

Army Lists

Adeptus Mechanicus


Tech-Priest Dominus – 7 Magos Narses, wearing the Raiment of the Techno-Martyr

Tech Priest Enginseer – 3 Engsinseer Flavius

10x Sucarian Infiltrators – 12

10x Skitarii Vanguard – 7

10x Skitarii Vanguard – 7
10x Skitarii Vanguard – 7


6x Sydonian Dragoons – 18 Clio Squadron

6x Sydonian Dragoons – 18 Calliope Squadron

Onager Dunecrawler – 7

86 PL – 6/6 Command Points


Death Guard

Chaos Lord in Terminator Armor – Lord Rhynus The Viral, wearing Suppurating Plate – 6


Malignant Plaguecaster – Gallus The Poxridden – 6

Tallyman – 4

Biologus Putrifier – 4

Noxious Blightbringer – 4

20x Poxwalkers – 6
20x Poxwalkers – 6

20 x Plague Marines – 23

5x Blightlord Terminators – 14


Chaos Spawn x2 – 4

Predator – 9

86 PL – 6/6 Command Points

Sydonian Nights Pts 2 – The War of Gears

Magos Narses has recovered the codes to the Knights and left the dying world of Sidon for its moon, Sidon Primus. There he and his troops must trek to the Mechancus base to wake the old machines. But the weapons of the Admech aren’t the only machines that walk this icy moon. Under the bilious green glow of dying Sidon the forces of Magos Narses are beset by a force of the mysterious Necrons, a foe both foul and familiar.

Army Lists

Adeptus Mechanicus

Tech-Priest Dominus – 7 Magos Narses


Tech Priest Enginseer- 3 Engsinseer- Flavius

5x Skitarii Vanguard – 4

10x Skitarii Vanguard – 7

10x Skitarii Vanguard – 7

4x Sydonian Dragoons – 12 Clio Squadron

4x Sydonian Dragoons – 12 Calliope Squadron

Onager Dunecrawler – 7

Cybernetica Datasmith – 3

Kastelan Robots – 12

Kastelan Robots – 12

86 pl 6/6 Command Points



Catacomb Command Barge – 10
Cryptek – 6

Canoptek Wraiths x3 – 6
Canoptek Wraiths x3 – 6
Immortals x5 – 4
Immortals x5 – 4
Immortals x5 – 4

Necron Warriors x10 – 6

Necron Warriors x10 – 6

3x Canoptek Scarabs – 2

Triarch Stalker – 8
Triarch Stalker – 8
Ghost Ark – 8
Night Scythe – 8
86 cp 6/6 Command Points

Sydonian Nights Pts 3 – Knightfall

Magos Narses has awoken the knights! But as the first of the mighty machines strides forth from it’s resting place disaster strikes. Lord Rhynus the Viral arrives with an elite strike force seeking revenge. And he to has brought a knight, one of the foul renegades who has betrayed Holy Terra. Now the lances of Sydonia must ride forth a final time, led by the greatest lancer of them all.

Army Lists

Adeptus Mechanicus

Tech-Priest Dominus – 7 Magos Narses

Tech Priest Enginseer – 3 Engsinseer Flavius

10x Skitarii Vanguard – 7

10x Skitarii Vanguard – 7

5x Skitarii Vanguard – 4

6x Sydonian Dragoons – 18 Clio Squadron

6x Sydonian Dragoons – 18 Calliope Squadron

Cerastus Kight-Lancer – 24

88 PL – 6/6 Command Points


Chaos Marines

Chaos Lord in Terminator Armor – Lord Rhynus The Viral-6

Malignant Plaguecaster – Gallus The Poxridden -6

Blightlord Terminators x5 – 14

7x Plague Marines – 10

Chaos Rhino – 4

10x Powwalkers – 3

10x Poxwalkers – 3

Chaos Land Raider – 19

Renegade Knight w/ Avenger Gatling Cannon, Thunderstrike Gauntlet, Ionstrike Stormspear Rocket Pod – 23

88 PL – 6/6 Command Points


In a special bonus game, it’s 2000 points of Ynnari vs the Emperor’s Children in a tournament style, face-smashing game! If you’re looking for something with less of a narrative slant and more of a competitive edge, then check this one you – but there will blood on this battlefield!

BoLS Twitch Schedule

Come join us 7 days a week for all the games we can jam in. Here’s the NEW schedule:


Everything’s fully painted and we have an insane amount of giant armies… for tons of your favorite games just waiting for you to enjoy. We’ll be playing competitive games, casual games, crazy narrative games and everything in between. Then look forward to everything from lore to tactics to tabletop, RPGs and more.

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Author: J.R. Zambrano
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