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40K Rumors: Xenos Traits in Chapter Approved

3 Minute Read
Nov 10 2017
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A few Chapter Approved rumors have come bubbling to the surface. Grab the salt and let’s check them out.

Floating around on the internet, thanks to one of Gary’s birds, we’ve got a list of rumors about the upcoming Chapter Approved supplement. For your viewing pleasure and seasoning grain accompaniment, we’ve got a look at some of the rumored Xenos traits, stratagems, and relics. So grab your salt, Mrs. Dash, or whatever flavoring you prefer to take with your statements that might be wildly inaccurate and dig in.


Warlord Traits
1. Wych Cult: each roll of a 6+ in the fight phase causes 3 hits
2. Haemonculus Coven: heal d3 wounds at the start of each turn
3. Re-roll to hits and to wound rolls of a 1 during the fight phase.

Relic – Pistol 2 R12 S1 AP-2 D2 wounds on a 2+ vehicles on a 6+. For each model killed bearer gains a wound

1CP/3CP one infantry, beast, or biker unit or 2 for 3 CP may use teh webway and emerge onto the battle at the end of any of your movement phases. Setting up anywhere that is 9″ or more from enemy units. Can only be used once per battle.


Warlord Trait: re-roll hit rolls of a 1


Relic – Increase leadership by 1, and all enemy units within 6″ reduce their leadership by 1

1. 1CP/3CP one infantry, beast, or biker unit or 2 for 3 CP may use teh webway and emerge onto the battle at the end of any of your movement phases. Setting up anywhere that is 9″ or more from enemy units. Can only be used once per battle.
2. 1CP after a harlequin unit has advanced, it gains a 3+ invul until start of next turn.

Genestealer Cults

Warlord Trait – friendly infantry units can do a Heroic Intervention within 6″
Relic – +1 strength to friendly infantry unit within 6″

1. 1CP end of movement phase, remove a infantry unit from the board that is more than 6″ from enemy models. At the end of the next movement phase, return it to the board using Cult Ambush
2. 1CP before rolling on cult ambush table, roll 2 dice instead of 1 and choose the result. A Primus may roll 3 dice instead.



As always, there is absolutely no confirmation on any of this. So these are about as likely to be true as anything else you might read on the internet, and I should know, I’m a doctor.

Now if you’ll excuse me, it’s time to go perform unlicensed surgery.

Author: J.R. Zambrano
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