BoLS Book Club – Jain Zar and The Eye of Medusa

This week, from the Black Library: Jain Zar and the Iron Hands, not just a band, but the heroes of our stories.
Take a look at Eldar disagreeing about how to fight against the Orks, who just want a good scrap. And the Iron Hands are conflicted about being part man and part machine, but whatever the ratio, they’re all in when it comes time to defeat an entire world full of evil Ad-Mech.
via the Black Library
Jain Zar: The Storm of Silence (Paperback) $16
A Phoenix Lords novel
Jain Zar, the first of the Howling Banshees, travels to Craftworld Ulthwé to help avert disaster – but Eldrad Ulthran opposes her plans. What path will guide the eldar towards victory: the way of the seer, or the way of war?
It’s rare to see disagreement between Craftworld Eldar on the right way to proceed, and when one of those involved is the legenday Jain Zar, things are sure to get ugly… and entertaining.
The eldar are an ancient race whose mode of war blends spirituality with a unique mastery of technology. In times of need, their entire race will rouse to war – led by terrifying, almost mythological figures – the phoenix lords, immortal beings embody the warrior nature of the eldar. A swift and deadly fighter, Jain Zar can harness the rage of her scream to slaughter any who dare oppose her.
When a burgeoning ork empire starts to pose a threat to the eldar peoples, Jain Zar travels to the craftworld Ulthwé to warn them of the danger. However, she finds her plans to divert disaster are opposed by one of the craftworld’s own seers, Eldrad. With so many futures possible, which path should the eldar walk to avert destruction of their craftworlds and put an end to the greenskin menace?
Written by Gav Thorpe.
The Eye of Medusa (Paperback) $16
An Iron Hands novel
When the Adeptus Mechanicus world of Thennos falls into insurrection, the Iron Hands bring retribution upon the traitors. But the taint on the world threatens to destroy the purity of the machine and introduce something dark to the Iron Hands’ universe…
Themes of the duality between machine and man are at the heart of the Iron Hands, and David Guymer uses a world of the Adeptus Mechanicus that has fallen into heresy as the catalyst for exploring that fascinating battle for the soul of the Chapter.
Ever since the dark days of the Great Heresy, the Iron Hands have a long and tortured history. Their years of suffering and war has left them hardened and believing in a brutal tenet – the flesh is weak. Heavily cybernetic, their flesh extensively altered, these warriors of the Imperium are more machine than man, cold in aspect as well as demeanour. Their methods of recruitment are harsh, their rituals arcane, their pride unshakable. So when a world under the protection of the Chapter falls foul of insurrection, the Iron Hands answer with fire and cold retribution. It matters not that Thennos is considered sovereign territory of the Adeptus Mechanicus, for the Iron Hands’ campaign is one of extermination. But there is something dark lurking within Thennos, a horror that defies the purity of cold logic and the machine, and offers something more, something ruinous…
Written by David Guymer.