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GW: Daughters of Khaine Releases “Pricing & Links”

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Feb 24 2018
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The cruelest Age of Sigmar faction is here. Here’s what you can pick up from GW to bleed your opponent dry!

via Games Workshop

Battletome: Daughters of Khaine $40

Digital $34.99

In the 88-page hardback Battletome: Daughters of Khaine, you’ll find:

– Dancing With Shadows: the expansion of the Daughters of Khaine from an obscure murder-cult to a developing and dangerous power after their leader Morathi’s journey from the World-That-Was to the mortal realms, the uneasy alliance of Morathi and Malerion and their joining of Sigmar’s Great Alliance;
– The Age of Chaos: exploring the Daughters of Khaine’s reaction to the rise of Chaos in the mortal realms, along with the relationship between Morathi and Slaanesh, and her part in extracting the aelf souls he has swallowed, turning them into followers;
– The Blood Must Flow: a timeline of significant events and battles in the history of the Daughters of Khaine, from the Age of Myth to the present;
– War Covens of the Khainites: the organisation and sects of the Daughters of Khaine, along with background and heraldry for 5 Temples of Blood (Hagg Nar, Draichi Ganeth, the Kraith, Khailebron and Khelt Nar);
– Detailed background on the forces available to a Daughters of Khaine army;
– A showcase of beautifully-painted Citadel miniatures, with an example army and comprehensive painting advice from the experts, including including stage by stage examples of painting pale skin, hair, blood shards and hearts, banners designs and tattoos, blood, scales, wings, the Bloodwrack Shrine mirror, Sisters of Slaughter masks, and blades.


All the rules you need in order to get your Daughters of Khaine army ready for the gaming table are here:

– 16 Warscrolls, covering every miniature in the Daughters of Khaine faction;
– Allegiance Abilities representing the Daughters of Khaine’s methods of war – including 3 different types of Artefacts of Power, unique Command Traits and the Blood Rites table, which confers new abilities at the start of every round;
– Lore of Shadows: A spell list for use by Daughters of Khaine wizards – along with Prayers of the Khainite Cult, known to their priests;
– Specific Abilities, Warscroll Battalion rules, Artefacts of Power and Command Traits for 4 Temples of Blood (Hagg Nar, Draichi Ganeth, the Kraith, and Khailebron);
– A Battleplan, including objectives for both sides, deployment map, special rules and victory conditions;
– Daughters of Khaine tactics: advice on advanced tactics that suit this army’s play style, giving tips on using specific models with specific Temples of Blood;
– Rules for creating a Daughters of Khaine warband to use in a Path to Glory campaign, including Followers Rewards Table and Champion Rewards Table;
– 6 Warscroll Battalions conferring advantages for fielding certain combinations of models;
– Pitched Battle Profiles for all units featured in this Battletome, including unit sizes, points values and battlefield roles.


Morathi $130

This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble Morathi. She comes as 2 different miniatures, both of which are included: the High Oracle of Khaine, her aelven form, and The Shadow Queen, her true, monstrous form. The High Oracle of Khaine is an icily beautiful figure, wearing ornate leather and metal armour. In a gloved hand she holds her magical spear, Heartrender, pointing it toward an unseen enemy. Behind a large, metal headdress, her long, serpentine hair cascades down her back – upon closer inspection, this is laced with wicked barbs and blades. Her wings fan out from her back, dripping with blood from every point.

The Shadow Queen is another prospect entirely – standing almost 3 times taller and posed in a far more aggressive manner, this miniature will make a splendid centrepiece for any Daughters of Khaine collector. In this form, her furious serpentine aspect dominates, with the lower half of her body given over to a long, sinister snake-form which coils and twists around a massive stone column. Her top half wears the same armour, with the same headdress and Heartrender – but her hair has been replaced by snakes, and the wings have become expansive and scaly, with huge chitinous points ready to impale the unwary. The base features an unfortunate aelf, turned to stone and broken in half by Morathi’s gaze.

Morathi comes as 59 components, and is supplied with a Citadel 100mm Round base and a Citadel 40mm Round base.



Witch Aelves – Sisters of Slaughter $60

This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a set of 10 Witch Aelves. They wear lightweight, minimal armour in order to move and flow more freely in their devotional bloodlust – what armour is there is beautifully ornate, finished by high leather boots. Each Witch Aelf carries a pair of wickedly sharp sacrificial knives, and they’re all posed in an appropriate pirouetting stance. There are 12 heads in the kit – 6 pairs of individual designs – each of which comes with an additional headdress. The leader of the unit, the Hag, can be identified by the extra-spiky headdress she wears. There are 2 banners with 3 different banner tops for standard bearers and a horn to denote the unit’s hornblower.

The Witch Aelves come as 67 components, and are supplied with 10 Citadel 25mm Round bases and a banner transfer sheet. This kit can be optionally used to assemble 10 Sisters of Slaughter.


Doomfire Warlocks $35

This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble 5 Doomfire Warlocks. Withered and gaunt – almost to the point to desiccation – they immediately strike the observer as pained and tortured beings, their faces twisted into sneering expressions of hate. They can be armed with cursed scimitars or doomfire crossbows, and are equally expert at using both while atop their dark steeds. These are large, armoured war horses, with evil-looking spurs on each leg, enormous, vicious teeth and runes emblazoned upon their flanks. The unit leader, a Master of Warlocks, can be identified by his twin-bladed scimitar and unique masked face.

The Doomfire Warlocks come as 98 components, and are supplied with 5 60mm Oval bases. The kit can optionally be used to assemble 5 Dark Riders.




Hag/Saughter Queen on Caudron of Blood – Bloodwrack Shrine $75

This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a Hag Queen on Cauldron of Blood. Despite its imposing name and equally terrifying aspect, this is actually a reasonably simple structure – the titular Cauldron is borne aloft on a six-wheeled iron chassis, covered in spikes, chains and blades, with serpentine icons adorning the front. A set of 2 staircases, on which 2 Witch Aelves stand, twist upward toward the cauldron, behind which stands the Hag Queen herself. Behind her is an enormous icon of Khaine, standing tall in elaborate armour and wielding a huge sword in his right hand. When this kit is built as a Hag Queen on Cauldron of Blood, you can also build an accompanying Slaughter Queen on foot and Bloodwrack Medusa.

The Hag Queen on Cauldron of Blood comes as 95 components, and is supplied with a Citadel 120mm Oval base, a Citadel 40mm Round base and a Citadel 25mm Round base. This kit can be optionally built as a Slaughter Queen on Cauldron of Blood, or a Bloodwrack Shrine.

Daughters of Khaine Dice $20

This is a set of 20 6-sided 16mm dice, in a variety of colours that represent the Daughters of Khaine. Each features an icon of Morathi in place of the 6 and a serpentine skull in place of the 1:

– 10 x dice in a white marble effect, with red markings;
– 10 x dice in a black marble effect, with blue markings.

Daughters of Khaine Warscroll Cards $25

This pack of 16 large-format cards contains each of the unit Warscrolls from Battletome: Daughters of Khaine, printed on individual cards for handy reference in your battles, along with 2 sheets of gaming tokens, these cover Inspiring Presence statuses, the Battle Round rules for the Blood Rites table, a selection of magic spells and Command Traits


Daughters of Khaine Bloodcoven $100

This boxed set has been designed to allow the player to field a themed selection of Daughters of Khaine models without affecting their army’s Allegiance, with 11 models hand-picked to add to your army. In the box:

– 10 Witch Aelves, optionally built as Sisters of Slaughter – either option features a huge array of customisation with whips, bucklers and sacrificial knives;
– 1 Bloodwrack Shrine, with a Medusa which can be placed either on the shrine or modelled on foot with the extra included base, and can be optionally assembled as a Cauldron of Blood.

The box includes 1 Citadel 120x92mm Oval base, 1 Citadel 40mm Round base and 12 Citadel 25mm Round bases.


Morathi’s base and snake hair is so good!

Author: Larry Vela
  • PP: Designing Skarre, Admiral of the Black Fleet