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HOBBY: The Bigboss’ Week of Blogging #158

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Apr 16 2018


This week it is Genestealer cult, a wip custom GUO and another INQ28 batrep!

Hi! Tommy from the blog BigbossRedSkullz.


More on my Genestealer cult here.

Now these guys where not part of the INQ28 batrep. There my Deathwatch kill team went against a massive Genestealer cult incursion.

All about it here.


Wrapping it up this week is my wip GUO.

More pics here.

That’s it for this week. Make sure to check out my blog as I usually update several times a week!

I’m also on Facebook, Instagram and on Pinterest!


Next update will feature more Genestealer cultists and hopefully a painted GUO!


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