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Mantic Brings Hellboy To Kickstarter Soon

2 Minute Read
Apr 21 2018

Get ready to join the BPRD, because Mantic is bringing Hellboy to the gaming table. Starting next week, you’ll be able to back Hellboy: The Board Game.

Ron Perlman. Ron Perlman never changes. But that’s part of what makes Hellboy so great–and if, like me, your first thought when watching him come to life on the big screen was “man, I wish there was a way to play in that world.” Well, now there is.

With Mantic’s upcoming Hellboy: The Board Game, players will take on role of Hellboy and friends as they work with the BPRD to take down all kinds of gnarly threats and heinous villains. The whole thing kickstarts in about four days, so check it out!

via Mantic

The Hellboy Kickstarter is almost upon us and all this week we’ve been unveiling important gameplay snippets to whet your appetite. This is shaping up to be one of our biggest Kickstarters ever, so you don’t want to miss out.

The Kickstarter will be the only place to get awesome Kickstarter exclusive miniatures, like this fantastic alternate Hellboy. And the opening pledge promises to be something special!


So be sure and check back on April 25th to see how all this shakes out.

Rotten eggs and the safety of all humanity are at stake.

Author: J.R. Zambrano
  • Outside the Box - April 20th