D&D: Celebrate D&D’s 45th Anniversary With Exclusive Sapphire Dice

D&D is turning 45 this year, and to celebrating its sapphire anniversary, it’s releasing a set of dice with actual sapphires in them. You can pre-order yours now.
In 1974, the original three box set of D&D was released for the first time, and the game changed everything, founding a whole new industry and opening up doors of imagination that have since taken us to whole other worlds. Now, 45 years later, because sapphire is the traditional stone for 45 years, according to the shadowy cabal that makes these decisions–that same cabal which is responsible for deciding why mayonnaise is disgusting but aioli is trendy and delicious, and why hot dogs come in packages of ten and hot dog buns packages of eight–and to celebrate, the fine folks at D&D are cramming a lab-grown sapphire into a set of anodized aluminum dice (aluminium if you’re overseas from the US).
And without pausing to reflect on the horror that must exist with the lab-grown sapphires that got out, let’s take a look at all of the details.
via Wizards of the Coast
D&D Sapphire Anniversary Dice – $299.99
It’s been five years since Dungeons & Dragons fifth edition launched, and the explosion of D&D’s popularity since then has been a wonder to behold! Now fans can celebrate D&D through the D&D Sapphire Anniversary Dice Set, available directly from Wizards of the Coast starting at 11a.m. (PT) on November 21, 2019 (check back then for link to purchase). The set commemorates both #5yearsof5e AND forty-five years since D&D’s first publication in 1974.
In honor of the original release year of Dungeons & Dragons, 1974 sets of this custom-crafted treasure have been created for this special occasion.
And these fancy D&D dice look amazing. They’re part of a partnership with Level Up Dice, who have crafted here a set of eleven precision anodized luxury aluminum dice. You’ll get two d20s, one d12, two d10s, one d8, four d6s, and a lone d4–and you won’t find these anywhere but Wizards of the Coast.
But what would custom dice be without a special box and tray to display them:
Alongside the box, you’ll get a premiere foldout card featuring the official D&D 5E rules for adult sapphire dragons–unavailable anywhere else in 5th Edition–and the certificate of authenticity that you’d expect to accompany a collector’s item like this.
These dice won’t be available until the 21st of November, but you can pre-order now.
Happy Adventuring!