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40K: New Canticles for the Adeptus Mechanicus!

2 Minute Read
Jun 7 2020

All Hail the Onmissiah! Today we look upon the newest Forge World Canticles of the Adeptus Mechanicus!

There are new Canticles! Come and hear the song of your people, assuming your people are some of the Adeptus Mechanicus from the Forge Worlds mentioned in the new Psychic Awakening: Engine War Book.

The new Engine War book is here, and that means we’re digging in to see what’s new, exciting, and cool for everyone’s favorite robopriests. They put the “Tech” in “Technically not heresy, probably” and today we’re taking a look at some of the new Canticles introduced in Engine War. But first, here’s a look at the table of contents:

This way you know everything in the book. But now, let’s take a look at the new Canticles.

Ad Mech’s New Canticles

Here are the existing Canticles for comparison:


As you can see, these new Canticles are a good deal beefier. They shake up your play style, and seem like they’ll give your forces a chance to punch above their weight. Which Canticles will you sing the praise of? Let us know in the comments.

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Author: J.R. Zambrano
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