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40K RUMORS: Death Guard Company Doctrines

4 Minute Read
Jun 15 2020
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War of the Spider is almost here, and a set of rules on the Death Guard is out and an about. Take a look.

War of the Spider hits the shelves this weekend and we’ve already gotten peeks at all three factions in the book, Death Guard, Fabius Bile, and Custodes (and friends). This weekend a big set of rumors regarding the Death Guard broke on Reddit.

Let’s take a look at the Doctrines of the 7 Grand Companies:

The Rumors

  • If your army is battle forged and the detachement is a DG detachement you can chose which plague company it belongs to.
  • All DG units in the detachement except chaos cultists, poxwalker and named characters get the <Plague Company> keyword.


Poxwalkers in this detachement get the Harbingers Keyword.

Warlord Trait

Zombie Plague

If your warlord destroys an enemy infantry model in melee add a model to a friendly Harbingers Poxwalker unit within 7″. You have to pay reserve points for models above its starting unitsize





From the Carrion Heaps

already previewed



Life Transcending Death

Fight Phase when the last model of a Harbingers Unit gets destroyed. The enemy unit that destroyed the model suffers D3 mortal wounds

The Relentless

Warlord Trait

Ferric Blight

If an attack of a friendly <Relentless> unit targets a Vehicle within 7″ of this warlord add 1 to this weapons AP characteristic.


Leech Spore Casket


If a model gets destroyed in melee by a model with this relic heal a friendly <Relentless> vehicle within 18″ by 1. Every model in your army can only recover 3 Wounds per round.



Unholy Essence

Beginning of Shooting phase.

Choose up to 3 <Relentless> vehicle in your army. until end of the phase they get Inexorable Advance



Iron Miasma

enemy Fight Phase if a friendly <Relentless> unit gets targetted by an enemy infantry unit. Subtract 2 from Attack rolls.

Mortarion’s Anvil

Warlord Trait

Gloaming Bloat

wound rolls of 1-3 always fail against your warlord


The Tally


Tallyman only.

Melee attack of <Mortarion’s Anvil> units within 7″ get exploding 6s on hit



Personified Futility

enemy Shooting phase when <mortarion’s Anvil> terminators unit gets targetted. Reduce Damage charactersitics of weapons by 1 (minimum damage 1). If the unit consists of 5 or less models the stratagem costs 2 otherwise 3 CP


Smth smth counterattack

Fight Phase. Choose a Mortarion’s Anvil infantry unit. Until the end of the phase it can perform heroic interventions as if it was a character model

The Miserable

Warlord Trait

Eater Plague

If your warlord kills a model in melee, he heals 1 hit point up to 3 per phase.


Daemon’s Favour

Malignant Plaguecaster Only.

Substitute the Pestilent Fallout ability with

Stream of Decay:

After manifesting a psychic power the closest enemy unit within 7″ suffers 1 mortal wound if the psychic test was <7. If it was >=7 chose an enemy unit within 7″ it suffers D3 mortal wounds



the decayed veil

end of movement. Chose a <Miserable> character model that didnt perform a daemonic ritual this turn. It can perform a Daemonic Ritual as if it didnt move. It doesnt matter if it arrived this turn as deepstrike. Furthermore only roll 1D6 for summoning and add 7 on the result


sevenfold blessing

Pre Battle. Choose a <Miserable> psyker model. Until the end of battle you can reroll one of the dice for a psychic test of this model. You can use this stratagem only once per battle


Warlord Trait

Sanguous Flux

If friendly Poxmonger models are within 7″ of this warlord whilst making a melee attack against infantry models add 1 to its AP characteristics


Iron coagulation oven

Poxmonger Daemon Engines have a save characteristic of 4++ as long as they are within 7″ of a model with this relic



gallic bloodrush

beginning of shooting. Choose a poxmonger daemon engine unit. Until the end of the phase it can shoot after it already retreated from melee.


subsiding dysentery

fight phase if a friendly poxmonger Daemonengine unit destroys an enemy model heal a model of the unit by D3 Wounds.

The Ferrymen

Warlord Trait

the Drowning

Add 2 to morale tests for enemy units within 12″ of this warlord


Ferryman’s Scythe

replaces a plaguereaper

melee melee +4S -3AP 3D

Plague weapon

unmodified wound rolls of 6 add 1 mortal wound




Shooting phase if a <Ferrymen> blightlord terminator unit getschosen to shoot. Add 1 to all hit rolls of the unit until the end of the phase


On Humming Wings

beginning of movement. Choose a Ferrymen uni. Until end of turn aura abilities of this unit add 7″ to their reach. (Nurgles Blessing still only hits enemy units within 1″ of a friendly unit)

Mortarion’s Chosen Sons

Warlord Trait

Crawling Pustulance

Melee attacks against your warlord get 1 subtracted from their hit roll. If an enemy unit (only non flying) within 1″ of your warlord retreats roll a d6, on a 2+ it suffers D3 mortal wounds



Plagueincubatum? i think thats the flamer of daemon princes of nurgle and foul blight spawns.

it substitutes it with

9″ Assault 7 7S -3AP 2D

Plague weapon




Alembic Narthecium

Pre Battle. Choose a Mortarion’s chose sons plague surgeon model. Substitute its corrupted Narthecium ability with

Alembic Narthecium:

reroll disgustingly resilient rolls of 1 or 2 for friendly mortarions chosen sons infantry models within 3″ of this model



In Shooting phase if a Mortarions chosen sons unit gets chosen to shoot. until the end of the phase plaguespewer, Plaguethrower and plaguefists of models in the unit have a damage characteristic of 2D

~ We are pretty close to the formal release and these rumors are exhaustive. They are still rumors, but I would rate these as “probable”. We’ll find out shortly.


Author: Larry Vela
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