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Warhammer 40K: New Necron Cryptek Mini

2 Minute Read
Dec 16 2020
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An all new Necron was hidden in plain sight. Take a look.

We’ve been waiting on those new Necron Cryptek’s to get released and it looks like we have another bearded robot.  This guy just showed up in a WH Community post.

He’s just sitting there underneath The Silent King.  Let’s take a closer look. This mini doesn’t match any of the four Cryptek’s shown in the Necron Codex datasheets. B&C’s Ahzek 451 speculates on exactly what it might be: “Missing cryptek with control node?”

Here’s the previous two Crypteks we’ve been waiting on:




Have fun figuring out the mystery, but in any case. I’m happy to get a little Necron Christmas gift early!

Author: Larry Vela
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