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Warhammer 40K: Check Out Hired Gun’s Action-Soaked Gameplay

3 Minute Read
May 12 2021

Come get a closer look at some of the fast-moving combat and brutal weapons featured in the upcoming Necromunda: Hired Gun.

A new trailer gives us a closer look at combat, loot, and mechanics featured Necromunda: Hired Gun. See what kind of worlds you’ll fight in, what weapons you’ll use, and best of all, how you’ll upgrade your bounty hunter and their cybernetically enhanced doggo, the Cyber-Mastiff. Let’s dive in.

There’s a few new things squirreled away in the trailer–and if you haven’t seen any of Necromunda: Hired Gun’s gameplay yet, this is probably the best view of it we’ve seen so far. You get a sense of the pacing of combat, it’s meant to be frenetic and mobile. The bounty hunter seems to slide along in places, and there’s a considerable degree of verticality to the levels, which you can exploit with abilities like a grappling hook implant and wall-running.

We also get a good look at some of the powerful weapons out there–you can see enemies sent flying by the force of some of your shots, or mauled by the cybernetic jaws of your cyber mastiff:

And look at the jaws on that good boy. Speaking of guns and dogs, one thing you’ll do to both is upgrade them. How do you get upgrades? By looting:


Here you get a look at the different items you can pick up, as well as their worth. You’ll take the creds from the things you don’t want and put them towards things like improved maglev coils in your bionic legs:

Who wouldn’t want to use a double jump? It’s one of the best things about every game since Titanfall. But you might also want to upgrade your dog:

And of course, this is just a taste of the number of upgrades you’ve got. There’s paws and upgraded jaws–you can really make your dog an extension of yourself, and you’ll control your robopup with a special squeaky toy, which is extremely satisfying.


Good luck out there, bounty hunters!

Author: J.R. Zambrano
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