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‘Suicide Squad’ Director David Ayer Praises James Gunn

3 Minute Read
Jul 31 2021

The director behind the 2016 Suicide Squad movie made a rare public statement about the studio cut of his movie and the new one out next week.

Since the Snyder cut was greenlit there’s been a number of fans pushing for a re-cut of David Ayer’s Suicide Squad. And with the release of James Gunn’s movie in just a few weeks, the idea of releasing that cut has been brought up more and Ayer has been asked his opinion of the new movie. He took to Twitter to express his thoughts on the matter.



“I put my life into Suicide Squad. I made something amazing – My cut is intricate and emotional journey with some ‘bad people’ who are shit on and discarded (a theme that resonates in my soul). The studio cut is not my movie. Read that again. And my cut is not the 10 week director’s cut – It’s a fully mature edit by Lee Smith standing on the incredibly work by John Gilroy. It’s all Steven Price’s brilliant score, with not a single radio song in the whole thing.

It has traditional character arcs, amazing performances, a solid 3rd Act resolution. A handful of people have seen it. If someone says they have seen it, they haven’t.”


His comments on what the project was before it was handed to Trailer Park make me want to see it even more, but that’s not going to happen as Warner Bros. has already firmly said no. And that’s ok. Not everything gets a recut or seven. The studio has moved on to the new movie – as has Ayers and as should we.

Don’t expect a tell-all about what happened behind the scenes.

“I’ve never told my side of the story and I never will. Why? Same reason no one will ever know what happened on my submarine. I keep my covenants. I’m old school like that. So I kept my mouth shut and took the tsunami of sometimes shockingly personal criticism. Why? That’s what I’ve done my whole life. Real talk I’d rather get shot at.

I’m so proud of James and excited for the success that’s coming. I support WB and am thrilled the franchise is getting the legs it needs. I’m rooting for everyone, the cast, the crew. Every movie is a miracle. And James’s brilliant work will be the miracles of miracles. I appreciate your patience. I will no longer speak publicly on this matter.”


As much as I’d like to see what Ayers created, I agree with his sentiment and am very much looking forward to Gunn’s movie next week.

The Suicide Squad arrives in theaters on August 6th.

Author: Mars Garrett
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