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Age of Sigmar: 3 AoS Heroes that Should Get a Series

3 Minute Read
Oct 10 2021

A hero is only as good as their story.

The Warhammer+ subscription service, whatever your feelings about it, has turned out some pretty sweet content. Legendary stories from older publications in White Dwarf’s archives or painting tutorials with Master Artists, there’s a lot to like.

Of course, some of the coolest things included in your membership are the Warhammer Animations. These animated features tell the stories of some of the most prolific heroes in the Games Workshop canon. One of the most recent announcements is Blacktalon, a series focusing on the Knight-Zephyros Neave Blacktalon and her battles against the vile servants of Nurgle in the Realm of Ghyran. As incredible as this story is going to be, Neave isn’t the only legendary hero of the Realms or the Old World that deserves to have their story told.

Here are three characters from the Realms and the Old World that I think would make an excellent animated feature.


The legendary Everqueen of the Sylvaneth and primary goddess of the Realm of Life, Alarielle has had an incredible life and fought all sorts of terrible foes. She was one of the first entities to awaken after Archaon split the world.  She was integral in tearing the Aelven souls out of the belly of Slaanesh. However, her latent xenophobia from years spent in the secluded forests of Athel Loren and her anger at the tortured deaths of her children caused her to retreat further into the green places of Ghyran. There the souls she rescued, infused into living wood, became the spiteful Sylvaneth. I would love to see a series detailing her early life in the Realms, her ascension to godhood, and how she became the half-tree embodiment of the forest’s rage she is today.

Grey Seer Thanquol

The smartest and most powerful of all Skaven (in his own mind at least), Grey Seer Thanquol has been either present or responsible for almost all of the Skaven’s major incursions into the surface world. Thanquol is the self-procliamed greatest rival of the legendary duardin slayer Gotrek. Alongside his massive bodyguard Boneripper, he was the only Skaven character to survive the events of the End Times, though how he did so is a mystery. I would love to see a series showing the events leading up to the End Times and what immediately followed that allowed the greatest Grey Seer of all time.


Genevieve Dieudonné

A young Lahmian vampire making her way through the Empire, Genevieve has saved Emperor Karl Franz and his citizens on several occasions, though she has never received the accolades she deserves due to her undead nature. Her books would make a phenomenal animated series on their own, but what I’d really love to see would be an exploration of her life either leading up to the End Times when she rejoined her hated matriarch Neferata, or her life in the Realms (assuming she survived the cataclysm). In the modern Age of Sigmar theatre, vampires are universally hated and servants bound to Nagash, so it would be interesting to learn about at least one actively fighting against that control.

What series would you like to see?

Author: Clint Lienau
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