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D&D: ‘Strixhaven’s Table Of Contents Unveiled

2 Minute Read
Nov 29 2021

The doors open next week to Strixhaven: Curriculum of Chaos. But today we’re taking a look at Strixhaven‘s Table of Contents.

Get ready to go to Strixhaven University! It’s the multiverse’s premier college of witchcraft, wizardry, sorcery, warlockery, bardery, druidry, clericry, and artificery.

The new book is 224 pages of magical mayhem, collegiate chaos, and a surprising number of improv festivals. So get ready to shout out suggestions of a relationship two people might have.

Today we’re getting a sneak peek inside those hallowed halls, as the previews for Strixhaven filter their way through the internet to your very own eyeballs. Thanks to a redditor on r/DnD, we get a glimpse of–

The Strixhaven Table of Content

As you can see, the book is divided up into seven chapters and three different sections. The first, comprising chapters 1 and 2, is the setting/player facing options that tell you what life is like in Strixhaven.

There, you’ll find out whether it’s a hurricane, or more of a duck blur, and you’ll also find the new spells. These include Borrowed Knowledge, Kinetic Jaunt, Silvery Barbs, Vortex Warp, and Wither and Bloom, as well as the new backgrounds and feat.

You can also include the first several pages of Chapter 3 in this part as well. The adventure itself doesn’t seem to start until Page 60. Up through page 59, you’ll get rules for running relationships and events– all things which players will be interested in knowing eventually.


Then you have the four adventures, which use Milestone leveling. The last section includes the new bestiary which has statblocks for many new monsters. It included all five of the Elder Dragons who founded Strixhaven in aeons past.

The new book is set to come out on January 7th in North America and Canada, and over the next few weeks in other regions.

Happy Adventuring!


Author: J.R. Zambrano
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