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Age of Sigmar: Battletome Roadmap Thoughts and Clues

3 Minute Read
Feb 2 2022

Games Workshop showed us four exciting new battletomes on the horizon, plus two mystery tomes. What could they be?

Earlier this week, Age of Sigmar fans were treated to a roadmap of the upcoming battletomes. It was fairly standard fare; the Idoneth Deepkin and Fyreslayers are coming by the end of “winter” (which likely means by the end of this month) and Daughters of Khaine and Nighthaunt are releasing around the same time as the box revealed at LVO. At the end of the list, we were treated to a peek into the summer reveals, with Games Workshop teasing a brand new book for Chaos and Order. However, there were a few odd choices or suggestive words in the image that might give us a clue to the future. Here’s a few bits of speculation (and no small amount of hoping) about what we might see as the new tomes release.

Cover Art

Of the four battletomes revealed, only the Idoneth and the Daughters of Khaine have updated cover art. Now, this could mean absolutely nothing, but Games Workshop has been pretty militant about updating art for new books, either to show off new models or just provide better art. We know from their community post that there will be tons of updated art INSIDE the books, so it seems odd that they didn’t update the covers.

This may be reaching, but it’s possible that these aren’t the actual covers, and that both armies will be getting a batch of reinforcements that the new cover will feature. We know the Nighthaunt are getting new toys, and the Fyreslayers desperately need some, so let’s hope both armies see a big release to go along with their books.

The New Battletomes

Arriving this summer, Games Workshop has teased a brand new pair of battletomes, likely coinciding with another battlebox release. While we don’t know much about them, we do know we’re getting another Order (big surprise) and the first Chaos release of 3.0. However, a few eagle-eyed fans noticed some suggestive words in the community description, which might provide a clue to the release.


Games Workshop has been very good about hiding reveals in plain sight, and this is likely no exception. A Mischief is the collective term for a group of rats, so we could be getting the long-awaited Skaven tome (which would make me very happy). As for Order, the Sylvaneth are usually very vigilant, so we could be seeing a Skaven vs Sylvaneth box on the horizon. Maybe I’m just wishlisting, but I think those would be excellent choices.

What battletomes are you most looking forward to?

Author: Clint Lienau
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