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Age of Sigmar – What Beasts of Chaos Need in the White Dwarf Update

3 Minute Read
Feb 9 2022
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A battletome would have been nice, but a White Dwarf feature is definitely welcome.

This weekend, a brand new White Dwarf will be hitting the shelves. Proudly displayed on the front cover is everyone’s favorite goat, the humble Gor, meaning we’re getting a Beasts of Chaos feature. While an updated battletome would have been preferred, hopefully the new stuff in the feature will bring the Children of Chaos a bit closer to the meta. The features have been a little underwhelming in the past, but they might herald the release of something exciting down the line. Here’s three things I hope we see in the feature that I think would bring Beasts of Chaos the edge they deserve.

Updated Ambush Rules

For me, the thing that makes the Beasts of Chaos iconic is their ambush rules. The Children of Chaos are known for pouring out of the trees in massive droves, drowning their enemies in axe, sword, and hoof. Currently, the ambush rules feel a little subpar compared to the lore, and I think it would be good to see that updated. Maybe an ambush at the beginning of the movement phase instead of the end, even if that meant shortening the ambush range. It would certainly help Beastlords choosing to keep their army off the table make more impactful ambush decisions.

New Bestigor Warscroll

I mean, it’s right there in the name; the Bestigors are meant to be the top tier of a Beastlord’s arsenal, destroyers without equal among the Brayherds. While the current warscroll isn’t bad, I think it could easily be better with just a few tweaks. An extra wound, a harder hitting attack, or maybe a special move would be all it really needs to push them back to the top of the herd. As it stands, there isn’t much reason to take them over Bullgors, and as much as I love the cow bois, I think the goats deserve a little love.

Streamlined Subfactions

Every updated faction in 3.0 has had their subfactions simplified, and I think it wouldn’t be difficult for the Greatfrays. As a huge Darkwalkers fan, I’m nervous to lose my ambushing Bullgors, but I think it’s high time to bring everything together. Besides, Gavespawn is ridiculous right now, and I think all three subfactions could be brought to the same level and HOPEFULLY bring Beasts to a viable place.

Author: Clint Lienau
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