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‘Street Fighter 6’ Already Causing a Stir Over $80 Stock Image Logo

2 Minute Read
Feb 23 2022

Capcom announced Street Fighter 6 this week but some people have noticed the logo bears a striking similarity to an Adobe stock image.

Earlier this week, Capcom released a teaser for the latest installment in their Street Fighter video game franchise. The Street Fighter 6 teaser was dropped after a lengthy countdown, which now links to the game’s webpage.

The 39 second teaser doesn’t give us much to speculate over other than Ryu looking swoler than ever.

Courtesy of Capcom

But the teaser ends with a look at the Street Fighter 6 logo and some graphic designers have noticed something familiar.

When compared to the Adobe stock logo image found on their store page, the similarities are obvious. The only differences being the letters have a curve to the edges, the lower bar of the F is angled downward and they added the 6.

No one (reasonable) is claiming Capcom stole the stock image. The backlash is more just from the perceived laziness from the developer. A company like Capcom has enough budget that they shouldn’t be buying stock logos. On top of that, the logo is frankly, pretty boring. Without any context, there’s no way to connect it to the franchise at all.

Author: Matt Sall
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