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Goatboy’s Warhammer: WOW! Let’s Talk GW’s Adepticon Seminar

5 Minute Read
Mar 24 2022
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Goatboy here and let’s talk about that Reveal.  It feels like we finally got some really juicy new stuff as GW is ready to start cranking out releases.

I was pretty hopeful to see something awesome come out of Adepticon (Which I will be at in a day or so to play the Team event – go Team Tiki!) and I was not disappointed.  Just about every game got touched on which is a great thing with what looks like some awesome releases.


We’ll start at the top with the part of this reveal of the weird Necromunda stuff.  I love the aesthetic of the game. It really lets the designers build upon the grimdark/post apocalpytic vibes they love to utilize.  This time we have some funky “super-fleas” (Dustback Helamite Riders), weird desert-looking people, and some different feeling terrain.  Is this release for me? Probably not but it still looks pretty dang cool.  Is this a real weird return to GorkaMorka vibes – but with Fleas and 4Wheelers?  Still, this looks cool as hell and all the weird lore Larry tells me about seems like this is gonna be a bonkers bit of fluff, models, and mayhem.

Warhammer Underworlds

Next up we get some Underworld bits that showcase some hints into what might be the future of AOS.  The Exiled Dead models are interesting if a little bit goofy but that isn’t always bad.  I really hope we do see more Pirates in AOS as some kind of angry Vampires riding ghost ships could be very cool and unique.  Plus it has strong arm undead fella which seems fun and weird.

Chaos & Imperial Knights

Finally we get some 40k stuff with a nice showcase of Chaos Knights and Imperial Knights.  I play both armies so this is an exciting release.  We finally get a true Chaos Armiger kit and that insane looking Abominant model.  I had heard there was going to be a Psychic Chaos Knight so I am excited to know the chatter I heard was true. I just hope they figure out some way to let them survive the Tau.  The models look pretty dang awesome and that starter set is something I will grab as quickly as I can.  A book, a big Knight, and 2 gross babies is right up my alley for a purchase.  Thankfully the Imperial Knights are coming to. So hopefully the rules for both mesh up a bit more.  Either way I got some new stuff to paint that is big, stompy, and mean.

Blood Bowl

We get a Bloodbowl release with a fun looking Norse team.  Models look good as well and hey – you got beer boars that can bring some much-needed refreshments to the field.  I wonder how hard it was to train them to carry those barrels around.

Age of Sigmar

Next up we get some AOS releases.  A giant box of terrain with some kind of living skull daemon thing in it.  I hope this one doesn’t hurt the bank too much as it looks like a nice bit of unique scenery.  It could end up being used to spruce up a display board but I know AoS isn’t nearly as  Terrain hungry as 40k is so this might be the right amount for the tabletop.  There is a book too so not sure how much of it will fit for Competitive play.  We finally get the hinted at boat like model with the new Night Haunter Awlrach the Drowner.  That is a pretty dang neat looking model with all the floating bits and boat bits.  It looks designed pretty well with a lot of cool things on it but it doesn’t look too busy.  Will see if he is any good when we get it at BoLS and Adam tells me if it is decent or not.

Horus Heresy

Finally we get to the secret everyone knows about the upcoming rerelease of The Horus Heresy.  This is pretty exciting as the trailer was cool as heck and the idea of a cleaned up and updated Horus Heresy by GW proper sounds really fun.  I know we all love some of the old Horus Heresy stuff and just having it pushed to the forefront as another game would be great to see.  I am hoping for some cleaned-up rules, some simplification, and some good honest marine-on-marine combat.

CSM News!

Oh and finally we get our Primaris Lt style update for the night – Chaos Space Marines are coming with that extra wound.  Of course, by then everyone will just be doing 3+ wounds so that pesky extra wound won’t matter nearly as much.  Still, Chaos Space Marines are finally coming and my black heart is just excited to get them on a tabletop and maybe winning a game or two.  Oh and all those small pictures are awesome as hell looking.  I can’t wait to see the real models in hopefully a few months.


What are you most excited about?

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