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‘Cocaine Bear’ Review – One of Us

2 Minute Read
Feb 25 2023

Does this movie have more than one joke? Check out the One of Us crew’s Cocaine Bear review to find out.

It’s a bear, but on cocaine! Now take that sentence, reorganize it 30 times, and you’ve pretty much got the movie Cocaine Bear. There, I just saved you 15 bucks. But I know, I know…“IT’S A BEAR, BUT ON COCAINE,” you’re saying to yourselves. “I’ve just gotta see that.” I guess the studio that made this knew that, too. The releases for this went from extremely limited to very wide once the internet got ahold of the concept.

I just want you to ask yourselves, do you remember how gaga you went when the ads for Snakes on a Plane first came out? Do you remember how you felt when you saw the film?

Cocaine Bear Review

Your results may vary, I suppose, to this film about A BEAR, BUT ON COCAINE, but Chris’, Mars’, and Marco’s did not. Listen to their review to hear more about the bear… ON COCAINE.


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Christopher Cox
Author: Christopher Cox
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