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Warhammer: The Old World – The Big Basing Debate

3 Minute Read
Apr 14 2023
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Warhammer: The Old World is checking in with a Development Diary and the question about Bases has been raised.

Square bases? Round bases? Old bases? New bases? What’s the plan for the Old World as the development for the game continues? That’s the real question here. Games Workshop has decided to tackle this question and answer some very important things about the base situation for Warhammer: The Old World and we’re glad to get some good info on the subject.

via Warhammer Community

“As you can see, our painted models are on square bases – but these are slightly bigger than they were back in the days of Warhammer Fantasy Battle. The majority of models in Warhammer: The Old World will indeed sit on bigger bases – there are a few reasons for this.”

New Base Same As The Old Base…Sorta

Games Workshop is opting to make the Old World bases square and slightly larger than the old school Warhammer Fantasy basing. So if you were planning on busting out your Old World armies you still can…but you might want to check the base size requirements (or have a clever solution like the one down below).

“So now, all 20mm bases have been replaced with 25mm bases. Most (but not all) 25mm and 25×50 bases have been replaced with new-sized bases. “

One of the main reasons is that over the years the models just got larger and more dynamic than the really old school scale. In a Rank-and-File game you needed those models to line up a bit better than the old 20mm bases allowed. So for the newer models GW wants the extra space. It’s still the same scale as before it’s just easier to rank-up and give each model some breathing room.


If you’re playing causally at home, you can do whatever. If you’re going to play competitively it’s probably better if you do rebase or at least have the correct size movement trays. Personally, I wouldn’t play Warhammer: The Old World without movement trays as that was kind of the standard when I played WFB anyhow. And they do make moving units around much easier. Get the footprint right and you should be good to go.

If you’re curious about what the correct base sizes will be GW will include all of those with the model’s profile. You’ll know right off the bat and can plan accordingly. So, in the end, it looks like folks are going to need to rebase models regardless if you kept your old army intact, set it on fire, or swapped it over to Warhammer: Age of Sigmar’s round bases and want to go back.



Still square bases…but different!

Author: Adam Harrison
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