Kickstarter Highlights: 3D Printable Heroes, Horror Adventures, New 5e Setting, and More

Come check out this week’s batch of crowdfunding and Kickstarter highlights – including RPGs and STLs!
Tomb of Zines
If you’ve been collecting fantasy roleplaying game zines, then you’ve likely hit the same problem that many of us have: how do you store these things? The indie community does an incredible job of creating fun, entertaining game content in all sorts of sizes, shapes, and formats. It can sometimes be challenging to figure out where and how to store all of these remarkable works of art.
Dretelia – 5e and CFR
The Dretelia Campaign Setting is a 300+ page setting book for TTRPGs with a unique twist on your typical fantasy world. It is designed for D&D 5e, but much of its content is system-agnostic, and can be used in any game at your table. In Dretelia, what we see on the outside isn’t always what’s going on internally.
Dretelia is a sick planet with an internal dysfunction. The surface is vibrant and beautiful, full of adventure with civilizations that have developed through magitech. But on the inside, the planet’s disabling illness causes the world and its inhabitants to suffer. Virescence is this planet’s magical energy, but it is volatile and doesn’t work properly. It must be carefully balanced and monitored to avoid disaster. Society must constantly keep its magical progress in check, or risk the planet becoming drained of life.
You Are Now Orbiting Trepis VII – Mothership
The Trepis System has long been known as an abundant source of alien artefacts, and none are more rich than the inner plant of Trepis VII. Recent discoveries on this desolate world have lead many to believe that its in fact the home world of this ancient alien civilisation which has sparked an archaeological gold rush.
You Are Now Orbiting Trepis VII is a Third Party supplement for use with Mothership RPG. Inside you will find Rules and mechanics for archeology along with a location, setting, items and more. Alongside the setting supplement, rules for how to conduct archeological digs and uncover lost artefacts will be included. These artefacts can be used by the players themselves or passed on to one of the many factions vying for control.
Space Trap – PnP
In Space Trap, players assume the roles of four intrepid astronauts trapped within an alien vessel on the brink of self-destruction.
Space Trap is an engaging move-and-write game featuring dynamic player interactions, as they race to unravel the ship enigmas. Players strategically maneuver assistant bots across the spacecraft. They hunt for crucial information that could ultimately tip the scales in their favor.
3D Printable Heroes: Rangers – STL
This week’s header image is from this campaign.
Welcome to the fifth Kickstarter and the 2nd of the DnD Heroes Line from TytanTroll Miniatures! Included are a Male and Female variant of each of the following species: human, elf, dwarf, orc, gnome, birdfolk/kenku, tiefling, goblin, and dragonborn.
Plenty of add ons are available!
1978: The Night THEY Came Home – RPG
1978: The Night THEY Came Home is a 1-2 player horror roleplaying game. It tells the story of a fateful showdown between Survivor and Slasher. Using a deck of poker cards, dual rule books, varied resources, and shared play space, players will recount the events of a forsaken Halloween. Zooming closer into the haunting folklore of a small Midwestern town and its inhabitants, and culminating in a violent battle for survival.