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Vermintide 2’s New Career Trailer Puts The Romance In Necromancer

2 Minute Read
Aug 28 2023

Vermintide 2 is still going strong, with a dark new career reveal for Sienna. Check out the Vermintide 2 Necromancer trailer!

Get ready to delve into the forbidden arts. A new trailer shows off a new career coming to Vermintide 2 for the master of all things magic, Sienna. Only this time it’s a dark reflection, and one that raises all sorts of interesting questions for the lore.

Because it seems that soon Sienna will be delving into the dark arts of Necromancy. And this isn’t the first time Vermintide 2 has dealt with Necromancers. Though typically they’re on the other end of the pointy stick/sword/gun/magic spell, as you carve through skeletons in droves. Many of the other player avatar characters have a deep, dark history with Necromancers and their associated undead horrors. It’ll be interesting to see if anything changes between them afterwards.

Vermintide 2 – Necromancer Trailer

Sienna’s Necromancer career is born from a fight with her twin sister, Sofia, granting her new powers and abilities that allow her to command the dead. How, exactly, these powers were obtained by the once Bright Wizard have yet to be revealed.

We know it’s been a long time coming, and we can’t wait to see you all try your hand at this new forbidden magic! Stay tuned as we get closer to her launch date for more information on her talents, abilities, and gameplay.

Questions about relationship dynamics aside, this new trailer is pretty rad. Sienna and her sister get into a fight, and in the aftermath, it looks like she takes up a scythe and the full might of powers best wielded by Nagash. But, when it’s the End Times, and the threat of Chaos looms large upon the horizon, any blade that can be wielded against them must surely be a welcome one.

So wielding the powers of Death itself to stop Chaos is just a sign of how dark things are getting out there.


The new class releases October 19th, so you’ll have time enough to finish that playthrough of Baldur’s Gate 3, or at the very least Armored Core VI: Fires of the Rubicon, before you dive headfirst into the dark arts.

Time to go dig out all your best goth gear and/or hit up Hot Topic.

Author: J.R. Zambrano
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