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Warhammer: Fulgrim Looks Too Good To Be Horus Heresy Only

3 Minute Read
Oct 24 2023
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Is anyone else still a little irked that Fulgrim Transfigured is only getting rules for Horus Heresy? I know I still am.

When GW revealed the Ascended Fulgrim back at the NOVA Open Preview I felt like it was a huge troll move by Games Workshop. It’s the last of the big four Daemon Prince Primarchs that we don’t have in modern 40k and the reveal was specific to the Horus Heresy.

As Fulgrim is part of the Horus Heresy Character line the model is also going to be from Forge World which means its a resin miniature, too. But what really makes this one sting is GW also didn’t mention if we’d see rules for Fulgrim for 40k.

This model is freaking amazing. And the design process behind the miniature is also really interesting. That’s why it feels like such a shame that Fulgrim will be limited to the Horus Heresy games — at least at launch.

The release of this model also has me wondering what’s going to happen when it’s Magnus, Mortarion, and Angron’s turn to get the Forge World Daemon treatment. Since those already have plastic kits, that seems a little redundant. But who knows — maybe GW will attempt to double-dip in the Character Series and make resin versions of them, too.

A different Angron as a daemon, but in resin?

Personally, I can see this going two ways:

  • The first is that GW will eventually release some rules for Fulgrim’s Ascended form for use in 40k. Perhaps they will do that before or when the Emperor’s Children eventually get some sort of solo codex rework like their traitor-brothers did.
  • The second option is that we’ll eventually get a plastic Fulgrim kit for 40k and that’s when we’ll see rules for him.

I think there’s still time for GW to create rules for Fulgrim for 40k. They clearly already have rules for him in the Horus Heresy so that’s a baseline to work from. They also have the other Daemon Primarchs to work off of as well.

That said, I’m not holding my breath for either of these options. For now, I’m glad that the Horus Heresy is getting a sweet new kit. It just seems like a missed opportunity to also pick some low-hanging fruit for 40k, too.

What do you think? Will Fulgrim Transfigured get 40k rules eventually or will GW just make a new plastic version at some point for 40k?


Author: Adam Harrison
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