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Get Ready For Warm Cozy Drink Season With These Anime Mugs

3 Minute Read
Nov 17 2023

It’s time to start stocking up on warm drinks for a cozy winter. And of course, you’ll need a fun anime mug to sip cocoa out of.

It’s officially time to break out the mugs for something aside from my daily coffee. Fall and winter are the perfect times to get really into mulled cider (this may sound fancy but you can buy mulling bags like you can tea bags!) and hot cocoas. Plus there are always the all-year standards of coffee and tea. But with all of these cozy drinks to warm up with, you’ll need some fun mugs.

1. Transforming One Piece Mug

There are a surprising number of transforming picture anime mugs. You know, the style where they look sort of plain, but when you add hot water a picture appears. This one features blank to illustrate wanted posters for each of the straw hats. But if there’s another popular anime you want a mug from more, I’d bet something similar to this exists. There’s even a few that are pretty salacious, but I won’t be posting those here. I’ll just trust that you can search for that on your own. That said…

2. You Know…

So I won’t post the really suggestive picks here, but this one is pretty funny. For my personal tastes, this toes the line between ‘fun but not my style’ and ‘thanks I hate it,’ but for some of you I know this will be the mug of the season. Just maybe put this one away when your folks come to visit unless you’re really comfortable with explaining a few things to them.

3. Cyberpunk Edgerunners Set

We don’t see a lot of Cyberpunk Edgerunners stuff at all, and that’s probably at least a little bit by design. Y’know, dystopian capitalism and all of that. So when we do see merch from the popular 2023 anime, it’s pretty neat. This is an entire mug set, which is a bit cozier than the general vibe of Cyberpunk normally leans into. But with a Rebecca coaster and a cap to keep your drink warm, I sort of love that coziness.

4. Pokéball Mug

Honestly, I normally hate weird-shaped mugs like this. They can be inconvenient to drink out of and clean. Plus with a drastically different shape than everything everything else in the mug cabinet, they take up a weird amount of room. But this Pokéball shaped mug is everything convenient about a mug without losing the shape of the inspiring object. What will you be catching though? Is it…

5. Koffee!

Who doesn’t love a good pun? I know, to Pokémon mugs in a row is a bit much and this one is a little cheesy. But I think that’s what I like about it. Koffing is a big, round Pokémon made mostly of toxic gas. But he also wants to share a coffee with you. That’s nice.

Oh hey! BoLS might make a little dolla-dolla if you decide to buy these items. We need that money to buy three or four months’ worth of warm drink mixes.

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