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Goatboy’s 40K: What’s Coming In the Upcoming Codexes

5 Minute Read
Jan 10 2024

Goatboy here, and I want to pull up a chair, stare deeply into a forbidden orb, and talk about what is coming in the next five 40K codexes.

Right now we have five upcoming codexes that should show up before the summer months of events, battles, and unrelenting heat.  There have been some tidbits coming out about each of these, whether they are shadowed silhouettes or actual releases. It does look like it will have a pretty big year.  I don’t think everyone is going to get the Dark Angels treatment but overall I bet we get some good stuff.

In fact – I wonder if we are going to get a lot of good stuff in the realm of “big boxed sets with books”.  I think GW loves to sell the combo kit that lets the consumer get more stuff at a better cost but still spend more money per unit.  All of these combo boxes seem like good deals when they come out, even though they give you things you don’t really need as an older collector, or things that might not be the best for the army right now.

Hello New Dark Angels

Take the new Dark Angels release they showed.  There are a ton of Terminators, which is cool if you don’t have this army already. But if you were already playing Dark Angels – don’t you have a ton of Terminators?  I mean, for a player like me looking forward to bringing another chaos… cough cough… I mean, Imperial army to their collection this is a good deal because I don’t have a ton of Terminators.  Still – we’ll have to see if this is even good in the updated codex because right now Terminator Bros are not something an army is built around in the current Marine meta.

This leads to the question of what will this codex have in it – detachment-wise?  Will it be Terminator-heavy or just another way to play you off-color marines?  Time will tell and I do like how the box has good stuff in it, the rule book, and even the data cards all in one nice boxed set. Perfectly convenient!

Onto the Orks

Orks look to be next, and I wonder what we’ll see in general.  I doubt we will get a big boxed set, as we have had a few already.  It should just be a character update or two, then most likely army detachments based on older clans and whatnot.  I expect to see a shooting one, a monster one, a vehicle one, a lucky one, and of course, the sneaky one.  I don’t think we’ll even see any Kill Team stuff for them, as for the most part – beyond maybe a kit or two – the Orks are filled out.  It would be sweet to see Tankbustas getting their due.  Maybe if they add a Kill Team: Dreadnought Edition.


T’au Empire Tastes Like Chicken

Custodes and T’au are up next, and it seems like both are getting some stuff.  The T’au Empire mystery mini shadow is for sure the most interesting as it appears to be Kroot-related.  If they fully flesh out the Kroot that would be a huge update for a range really left suffering.  It would be neat to see Tau filled in more with the “friends” they have made in the past and really push that aspect of the army.  I don’t know where it all fits in the grand scheme of things, as Kroot really felt more like Kill Team than a full-fledged 40K force, but I could be wrong. The birdmen did used to have an entire armylist to themselves back in the day.

New Adeptus Custodes

Custodes really need another unit to really fill them out.  I don’t think they should rely on so much FW to be usable and would love to see some of that stuff go plastic – or at least become a new plastic unit.  A tank would be awesome as it would be a way for the sculptors to stretch their muscles and make something elegant that isn’t light and lithe.  There is no fine art to the brutal tech of Space Marines designs but you can easily create flowing techno eagle designs for Adeptus Custodes .


Lastly, New CSMs

Finally, we have Chaos Space Marines, and we all know I hope we see a big huge release with a ton of awesome stuff that filters into the other Chaos armies.  A few nice things could be an updated Spawn kit that has all the trappings for all the god armies.  Obviously, they are going to see some Kill Team love with the Night Lords and if my fever dreams do come true will see Mandrakes as the other Fedora-wearing jerks for the boxed set.  Then you can have some kind of dank alleyway sort of game board so all these guys can sit there smoking their cloves and wishing the sports people weren’t so mean to them.

I really hope we see these Codexes come out quickly.  Right now, we have a ton of Old World Stuff, AOS stuff, and the Kill Team boxed set, which leaves little room for 40K and their releases.  I think it really has me kind of wondering what do I work on next, as most of my stuff is filled in, set up, and ready for 10th edition games.  Heck that is always the problem when I try to find things to work on in between client work, art work, and kid work.

Happy upcoming Codexes to you all!

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