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Age of Sigmar: Command Point System Overhaul Provides New Options For All

5 Minute Read
Apr 10 2024

Games Workshop has reworked the Command and Command Point system in Age of Sigmar to benefit just about everyone.

There’s a new edition of Warhammer: Age of Sigmar coming this Summer and Games Workshop is spilling the beans on how Commands will work. This new system rebalances how many Command Points everyone gets, who can spend them, and also how many Commands players will have access to. This is certainly a big shift so let’s break this down!

via Warhammer Community

“Alongside warscrolls and the priority roll, issuing commands for units to react in your opponent’s turn is one of the key features of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. These have received a lethal overhaul in the new edition in the shape of the Commands rules module.”

Command Point Overhaul

The way the system will work is outlined above. Each player gets 4 command points at start of the battle round. These points will go away at the end of the round — so use them or lose them! As mentioned with the Army Composition rules, you’ll also get one additional CP if you have fewer auxiliary units than your opponent. Furthermore, you can get another additional CP if you’re the underdog. That’s the player who has fewer victory points at the start of the battle round.

Aside from how you generate these points how you spend them has been tweaked as well:

“What’s more, the restrictions on who can issue commands are gone: needing to use generals, totems, heroes, unit champions and elite units to issue commands is a thing of the past. This makes using commands clear and concise, while retaining the tough choice of when to use your core offensive and defensive abilities.”

You can still only use one command per unit in each phase. And you can only use a command one time in each phase — but now any one can tap into the power of the commands.


Commands And Timing

The timing on using commands has also been cleaned up and clarified. With the other systems in the core rules, this should really remove any sort of ambiguity on the timing of commands — they’re color coded, too! The timing is going to be more important as well because four out of the 10 commands are going to be reactions now. So get ready to give your opponent a little time to think after you declare your abilities!

New Edition, New Commands

There are 10 new and updated commands that everyone will have access to. Again the timing on some of these is slightly different that what you might be used to. You can see them all for yourself above. That said, I did want to call out a couple in particular.


Rally has significantly changed. Now, it’s just a roll of 6 dice. Those generate rally points which you can then spend to bring back models. Personally, I really like this change.  This fixes a few extremes with the current version of the Rally command like if you’re rolling for 20 slain models. Or if you’ve got a squad of multi-wound models vs single wound models.

Counter-Charge is a new one as well. This Command does cost 2 CP but it’s POTENT. You’ll be able to send out a unit during your opponent’s turn to get them into combat. This can also trigger any charge abilities, too!

The last one I wanted to cover was the new Power Through. This is a weird one because it does trigger at the END of any turn. But, if that unit charged, you can cause some additional mortal wounds (D3) but interestingly enough it can also allow the units to literally power through the enemy unit. You get to move again — and that can take you out of combat, but you don’t have to exit combat. This is going to be a really fun/weird command to use.

Also, here’s a look at a new Warscroll for the Stormstrike Chariot. I’ll let you digest how this unit would interact with these commands…


Overall I think these changes seem solid. We’re not quite in a vacuum with the new rules but we’re still not getting a full picture for AoS 4.0. Regardless, I’m liking these changes so far.

Relentless Questions…

And this bit is for my fellow Ossiarch Bonereaper players:

“Your pool of command points is an incredibly precious resource, as there are no abilities in the game that can generate additional points. Units and factions (such as the disciplined Ossiarch Bonereapers) which previously relied on additional CP can look forward to powerful new mechanics to compensate – stay tuned for more info in upcoming faction focus articles.”

I’m willing to take a “wait and see” attitude about this…for now. I hope GW manages to get this transition to the new CP system correct for the OBR.

Author: Adam Harrison
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