Age of Sigmar: Lord-Vigilant Rules Reveal – Lords of the Ruination Chamber

The Lord-Vigilant is leading the charge of the Ruination Chamber. But what potent abilities are they packing on the tabletop?
With the new edition of Warhammer: Age of Sigmar coming soon the Stormcast Eternals are gearing up for war. The Ruination Chamber is open and leading the charge are the mighty Lord-Vigilants.
“These powerful warriors rule the Bleak Citadels, the monastery fortresses that house the Ruination Chamber while they await the call to action. Such Stormcast have passed beyond the Storm’s Eye, the time when their personhood is balanced with pure azyrite power, and each death brings them one step closer to losing their humanity completely.”
The Lord-Vigilant
Stat-wise these warriors are reflecting the new base-line for mounted heroes from GW. They have an solid 8 wounds with a full 12″ move and an imposing 3+ save. They have a heavy focus on Melee attacks as you can also see with their Hallowed Greataxe swings and the Gryph-stalker’s Beak and Talons.
The Lord-Vigilant can also Deliver Judgement and cause a friendly non-Hero Ruination Chamber unit to use 2 Fight abilities this phase, too. The second one is subjected to the Strike-Last rule however. Regardless, ordering a unit to swing again is a potent ability! Furthermore, he’s also the Ruination Chamber ability that allows him to straight-up resist an enemy effect on him. It’s a D6 roll of 4+ but I’d take that roll.
Considering this miniature is coming in the launch box you can bet that he’s going to be showing up on the tabletop. The Stormcast Eternals have a potent new leader and he’s not afraid to get in there and get his hands dirty.
Personally, I can’t wait to get my hands on the rest of the rules just so I can see how the heck this whole game is going to work together. I’ve got questions about timing that I know are cleared up in the core rules…but I just need to get them and go over them to make sure. I’m also curious how common the ability to attack again is going to be. Having used an army in the current edition that used that as an ability I’d like to know if the Stormcast are stealing my tricks!