AoS: Skaven ‘Ratling Warpblaster’ Brings ALL The Warpstone Shots

Get ready to pepper you opponents with pebbles of warpstone. The Skaven Ratling Warpblaster will Rat-tat-tat-tat it’s way on to the tabletop!
We first got a look at this new maniacal Skaven contraption in the new Warhammer: Age of Sigmar intro video. Now we’re getting a closer look at what this puppy can really do. I’d say get ready to duck but I don’t know if you’ll find enough cover from the fire this will put out.
Skaven Ratling Warpblaster
We’re skipping the stat block. Look at the guns!!!
Yep! You’re reading that correctly. It’s “Hail of Warpstone Bullets” has a range of 20″ and has 3D6+3 shots!!! That’s a potential 21 attacks if you’re dice are hot. At minimum you’re getting 6 shots off with it and on average you’re probably getting close to 12-14. That sounds gnarly to me! They also have Crit (auto-wound) which is nice. Additionally, check out those extra abilities!
This gun is super effect (okay, maybe not super) against larger units. Will all those bodies, throwing a boat load of bullets at them is more effect for some reason… But this next ability takes the cake. Or cheese? I dunno. Just look at this:
Are you feeling LUCKY? Because this is possibly one of the most Skaven-y rules ever. If you thought 3D6+3 shots was a lot, how about 6D6+3?! Yep. Roll that bucket of dice with glee as you pour out the firepower with this one. Do you have to have a Skyre Hero nearby? Yes. Do you have the possibility of blowing up the Warpblaster? Also yes. WORTH IT!
Hey, this bad boy doesn’t have six barrels for nothin’!
I have a funny feeling that this will be a popular option in the new edition. If for nothing else the Skaven players will be able to roll all the dice and laugh regardless of what happens.
RAT-diculous, I say!