‘Final Fantasy XIV RPG’ Sold Out So Hard It’s Being Reprinted Before It Even Comes Out

Final Fantasy XIV’s upcoming tabletop RPG was in such high demand it sold out its print run before release, and a second run is coming.
The critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV may have an expanded free trial in which you can play through the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward expansion up to level 60 for FREE with no restrictions on playtime, but what it doesn’t have right now is even a single copy left of the as-yet-unreleased tabletop rpg adaptation.
That’s right. Anticipation was so high for the Final Fantasy XIV RPG that the entire print run sold out before pre-orders even finished. And not only did it sell out, but it sold out so hard that Square Enix has already started taking pre-orders for a second print run. It’s all sight-unseen as to how the game works.
This is pretty incredible, but then I wouldn’t expect anything else from the MMORPG that brought you Shadowbringers.
Final Fantasy XIV RPG Sells Out Its First Run, Starts Another

Based on the hit MMO Final Fantasy XIV, the FFXIV TTRPG is a tabletop roleplaying game that lets you experience Eorzea from a whole new perspective. Step into the shoes of a heroic adventurer or assume the game master’s mantle, then cooperate to forge your own unique stories within the vast and exciting universe of Final Fantasy XIV.
The Final Fantasy XIV TTRPG Starter Set comes with everything you need to dive into the game and includes both the Player Book and the Gamemaster Book.
Gather your friends together to explore, battle, and roleplay–the only limits are your imagination, and the only goal is to have fun. Discover a realm of adventure reborn!
The new RPG, announced last year, marks the first time Final Fantasy has had an official tabletop game. This version is set to weave into the ongoing story of the MMO, which has a new expansion, Dawntrail, out later this year.

Square Enix announced a second print run not long ago, alongside some other merchandise, including a Chocobo cord clip. According to the listing for the TTRPG starter set, Wave 2 will be out later this year. Though there’s no solid release date on when, exactly, that will be yet.
The first wave is due out later this month, if you were lucky enough to get your pre-order in the first wave. Alongside the three adventures that tie into the main story, there are four premade characters, which show off the Warrior, White Mage, Dragoon, and Black Mage classes, as well as a handful of custom dice.
All of which can be yours, but you might want to pre-order now.