‘Scions of the Dark Goddess’ Brings Call of Cthulhu to the Modern Age

A new Call of Cthulhu campaign undertakes the challenging task of bringing the Lovecraft Mythos to the modern age.
Bringing Call of Cthulhu to the modern age seems like a daunting task. After all, how can you be afraid of the unknown and incomprehensible when the world is, well, you know… the way it is.
But difficult isn’t impossible. And this is exactly what Shadowlands Games is trying to do with Scions of the Dark Goddess. This new campaign boasts an ancient conspiracy blended with the horrors of our modern age, like bioengineered viruses and social media.
Yeah, no wonder it funded in 20 minutes. There’s a week left in the Backerkit campaign, so let’s take a look!
Scions of the Dark Goddess – Call of Cthulhu Gets Modern
Here’s a quick look at the Scions of the Dark Goddess campaign:
Scions of the Dark Goddess is a cosmic horror campaign for Call of Cthulhu, set in the United States, in 2024. The Cthulhu Mythos and cosmic horror remain present in humankind’s collective imagination. However, they don’t work the same way anymore. Humanity’s primordial terrors are not still represented the same way they were a century ago. They adapt. They evolve. they have found a way to be present, spreding into our minds, our bodies and our media. You know, if a video started circulating, today, of a great tentacled marine creature… At most it would become “trending topic” for a few days, until someone else recorded a video of a rat dragging a slice of pizza. No, even if the fears remain the same, their shapes have changed.
The Scions of the Dark Goddess experience offers you:
- A complete meta-plot developed in six chapters (arcs) filled with mystery, conspiracy and cosmic horror.
- A campaign guide divided in sections:
- General summary of topics covered.
- Indications metagame usage throughout the campaign.
- A helpful summary of each chapter with synopsis, main events, central theme and which pre-generated player characters are included to play the chapter.
- Each chapter has a structure to aid in the work of the Keeper. It includes defined sections with information for the Keeper, introduction and chronology, information on each section of the plot, highlighted boxes with management aids, highlighted indications of when they appear in the game and inserts in the text game aids, non-player characters and maps, and a summary annex at the end of each chapter with all the chapter’s game aids and non-player characters for easy and quick reference.
- Over 60 game handouts, some of them interactive, such as videos, podcast snippets, social media accounts, and more.
- A multitude of digital resources for your gaming group to extend their research online: social media accounts, websites, interactive maps and even a podcast.
- 20 pre-generated characters adapted and specific to each chapter.
- 17 location maps, 9 of which offer a spectacular and detailed three-dimensional perspective.
- Role-playing hints, information and statistics for 47 non-player characters.
- Information, behavior and statistics for 9 creatures.
- More than 20 special locations through which the plot can flow according to the actions of the Investigators.
But there’s more! Backers who get in before the 26th of May have a chance to unlock a bonus scenario for free with their pledges:
The investigators, a group of experts in archaeology, anthropology, excavation sites and related academic disciplines, find themselves embedded with a SWAT team during a raid on an antiquities trafficking ring. Their role? To act as advisors, lending their knowledge to the operation and potentially identifying any artifacts of significant historical or cultural value.
But they will surely find more than they asked for. Uncover the mystery of The Second Amphora in this modern Call of Cthulhu scenario by Enrique Camino.