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‘Tales of the Valiant’ Kobold’s New Fantasy RPG, Releases Digitally Today

2 Minute Read
May 10 2024

Today, Kobold Press launched Tales of the Valiant digitally. Get ready to dive into a new era of 5E-style fantasy RPGs.

It’s been an incredibly long year and change since the announcement of Kobold Press’ Black Flag RPG. It later became Tales of the Valiant, while the Black Flag was more the ethos of the game: keeping the fantasy fun of 5E open and accessible to all. That was during the height of the OGL deauthorizing fracas that WotC kicked up in early 2023.

But, despite 5E being in Creative Commons, Tales of the Valiant forges ahead with a new take on the core d20 paradigm. There’s more crunch to what you love about D&D 5E without it feeling like it’s too divorced from the system. It’s very reminiscent of the earliest days of Pathfinder during the 3.5E split.

At any rate, the new player’s guide is out in PDF format, and you can snag it today!

Tales of the Valiant – Digital Release

Kobold Press shares details…

Every adventure needs a beginning. Start your own tale in an infinite universe of high fantasy adventure with the Tales of the Valiant Player’s Guide! Within these pages, a trove of knowledge lies ready, waiting for the valiant to claim it!

  • Make your own unique and legendary hero with the new Lineage and Heritage system.
  • Select Talents and Backgrounds that make your hero truly stand apart.
  • Master improved spellcasting and martial abilities to ensure every hero stands tall in a fight!
  • Explore new downtime, exploration, and social encounter rules to expand your game beyond the dungeon.
  • Learn a streamlined, 5E-compatible ruleset with unique mechanics to increase both risk and reward.

If you haven’t been playing along at home, you’ll find a lot of this familiar. Along with feats, characters have new Talents that give them more customization options.

You can create a character with both a Lineage and Heritage; your lineage might be something like Elf, and your Heritage might be something like Desert Dweller. Basically, you decide where you were raised and what kind of person you were born as. Those give you the same basic options picking a species gives you in D&D, but with more customization, as you can mix and match to your heart’s content.

There are new spells, new subclasses, and new takes on what makes for an interesting 5E-type experience. Basically, if you’re looking for more out of your D&D games, Tales of the Valiant is another good starting point.


Author: J.R. Zambrano
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