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Warhammer 40K: Chaos Space Marines Most Metal Stratagems

4 Minute Read
May 24 2024

If there’s something GW is great at, it’s cool over-the-top names that really get the vibe of an army. Here’s the most metal CSM Strats.

Goatboy here again with another Top 5 for the week.  We are continuing the Chaos Space Marine discussion and today I want to talk about the top 5ive Stratagem names from the book.  This isn’t a discussion on which ones are good.  This is a talk about the best names for Stratagems in the book. I just love some of the crazy names the GW Design Studio come up with for rules.  It’s one thing to have a cool rule.  It is a whole other thing to have a rule with a goofy name.  Let’s dive in and see what spot-on nonsense we can find that just screams “we’re the baddies of the galaxy” in this Codex CSM deep dive. Also keep count of how many of these would make great death metal band names. It’s a lot!

5. Veterans of the Long War – Black Crusade

I like how they didn’t add “The” to the name and just left it as Black Crusade. It feels like some kind of Metal Band that is supposed to be scary but might just wear too much white face paint. It also happens to be one of the stronger rules for the Veterans of the Long War army in letting you bust out with some Mortal wounds as needed.  Hey wouldn’t this be great to work when another unit throws a Grenade at something too?

4. Dread Talons – Depthless Cruelty

Like an Ocean of murderous contempt – my cruelty is Depthless.  If this doesn’t make you think of an army of psychopaths jetting down from the skies on backpack rockets of blazing death and destruction then what game are you even playing?  I feel like this should be whispered while chains rattle behind you as you stalk the tabletop. All EMO all the time!

3. Fellhamer Siege-host – Siegecraft

This continues the weird band name theme for Stratagems.  This is probably an industrial band where they throw metal buckets at captives and call it music.  Or maybe it is just hard core techno designed to hit you with waves of nausea as it crushes your head in block-rocking beats.  Or it could just be a mod for Minecraft your kids keep asking you to download on their IPad.


2. Pactbound Zealots – Torpefying Refrain

I am not going to lie – I had to look up with Torpefy meant (and so did you).  It is a real word and it is all about making someone numb and lifeless.  So this is all about making someone numb and not able to do something.  It is just a weird set of words and it doesn’t feel like it matches up with the rules as much. I would think this type of thing would be a Fights First ability but it just feels weird. I bet it would have been cooler to just say for Slaanesh the rule should be Sexy Stank.

1. Soulforged Warpack – Glut of Souls

This sounds like the name of a local metal band that plays in the garage behind your house.  They mean well but the lead singer sounds like they are gargling motor oil after a long day at the coal mine.  Just this guttural roar of grinding gears that is trying to yell about some kind of nonsense while covering their mic in the spittle of angry intent.  Or how they didn’t get enough chicken tendies in their tendie value meal.

I love some of these CSM names and can’t wait to see World Eater options and other Chaos fun ones coming.  They better be good and full of even more insane band names and merciless nonsense.

Death To the False Emperor! (and 4 out of 5 metal band names)


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