Warhammer 40K: The Genestealer Cults Call In The Big Brain

The Day of Ascension is coming and to usher it in the Genestealer Cults have called upon the Big Brain Benefictus!
Did you ever wonder who was calling all the shots for the Genestealer Cults? Sure, sure — you’ve got the Genestealer Patriarch. But who’s doing all the planning and organization? That takes the real brains of the operation to do that. Meet the Benefictus!
Genestealer Cult Benefictus
The Benefictus is described as a “anti-tank, big brain-blasting” character. You can expect some very hard hitting psychic shots coming from that monster noggin’ of theirs. He also gives the unit he joins lethal hits which ties into that very killy, very shooty element.
The new codex is also slated to arrive and will have five different detachments to choose from. One of which is the same as the Index (with minor tweaks). There’s also a wider set of options. There’s one that focuses on the bikes and functions as an “outrider force.” There’s also one that focuses on the close combat options like Abberants and Genestealers if you want to get up close. Or perhaps you want to run a swarm of the Hybrids and drown your opponent in bodies. And don’t forget the classic Brood Brothers where you can mix in those Astra Militarum elements, too.
There’s also a new Battleforce on the way that brings the new Benefictus in with some supporting options to match that big brain.
The Genestealer Cults are coming and they are looking to prepare for Ascension Day. Are you going to praise the four-armed Emperor with them? Or will you be consumed by their cultish ploys?!
For the (four-armed) Emperor!