AoS: Things You’ll Love About the Gloomspite Gitz Battletome

The moon is bright and…smiling? It seems like the perfect time to break out the new Gloomspite Gitz Battletome!
Welcome in, Generals of the Realms! The moon is shining with baleful light and the mushrooms are blooming. That must mean the mean green stabbin’ machines are on their way in Destruction Battletome: Gloomspite Gitz. This handy book outlines all the variants of Git from Squig Hoppers to Snarlfang Riders, as well as their larger Troggoth buddies. Your first opportunity to snag this awesome book is in the new Gitmob Army Box, but the standard book is coming soon. New to 4.0, you can get this incredible tome in either the standard hardback or a more compact Gamer’s edition, which includes helpful reference cards.
I never played Gloomspite myself, but they always interested me. The various goblin archetypes were a fun concept, from the shroom-crazed Moonclan to the shamanistic Spiderfangs. I was especially fond of the Wolf Riders, but I always hated the models. Thankfully, GW heard my unspoken prayers (I really need to find that microchip they put in my head) and gave us a whole pack of gorgeous new models. Their book feels like standard fare for 4.0 tomes, but I think fans of the Gitz will be happy with the new look of their boys.
Wolf Down These New Units
The Gloomspite Gitz have never been low on unit choices. There were always tons of unique ways to build your army, and even if you only wanted to focus on a single facet, you’d have plenty of variety. However, the wolf-riding Snarlfangs always felt like an afterthought. To be fair, they didn’t fit the subterranian theme as well as the other mini factions, but they were still interesting. If you’re like me and loved the fast moving wolf riders, you’ll be happy with the new book. Not only do we get a handful of brand new mounted units that want to maintain gloom by STEALING THE SUN, but a snazzy special character.
Droggz da Sunchompa is an amazing centerpiece model for a mounted Gitz army. Not only does he look incredible, but his profile is off the charts. He’s one of the only Gobbos that can hit on a 3+ naturally. With his 5 attacks that means he’ll be dealing a ton of damage. He can also nerf your opponent’s ability to hit, execute hit and run manuevers with his fellow Snarlfangs, and allow the rest of his team to fight right after him for a one two punch. If you love the wolves but hate special characters, not to worry; there are three additional options for mounted leaders. You can have a standard Snarlboss riding a wolf, a slightly larger variant riding a chariot, or a crazed Wizard throwing out flashbangs.
If you’re more of a fan of the OG Gitz though, worry not. All your favorites are back with a brand new Bad Moon mechanic. Unlike in the old days where the moon moved across the board, your buffs depend on a cycle of “faces”. For example, if the moon is Cacklin’, all your Gitmob and non-Squig Gobbos get a special ability. Then, on your next turn, the moon shifts you Grinnin’. Your Gitmob lose their buff but your Troggoths become powered up. Personally, I like this better. It gives you more incentive to have a little bit of everything in your army.
New Spearhead and Path to Glory
Just like with the Orruks before, the Gitz are getting a brand new Spearhead to highlight their new units. The army consists of a Snarlboss, his Snarlfang retinue, two units of Snarlfang Cavalry, and two Sunwheela Chariots. While none of the units can be replinished, the speed and ferocity of this squad will more than make up for the shortcomings. You’ll be in your opponent’s face and biting it off before they can say, “Do you hear howling?”
The Path to Glory is pretty incredible as well. You can choose either a Grot or a Troggoth intially. After selection, you can upgrade them with a wealth of fun abilities, weapons, and stats. I personally am a huge fan of the Troggoth, which starts with a Regeneration buff. If you want a tough and durable lord, that’s the way to go. Should you favor speed, there are also options for Squigs and Snarlfangs for your Grotboss to ride. If you’re feeling especially vindictive, you could put them on Mangler Squigs or even a massive Arachnarok Spider. The choice is yours.
Will you be picking up any Gloomspite goodies?