Marvel: Crisis Protocol – Elsa Bloodstone & Man-Thing Unboxed & Up Close

Elsa Bloodstone and Man-Thing for Marvel: Crisis Protocol are in the house and we’ve got them up close and personal.
When it comes to cult classics in Marvel Comics there are quite a few. However, few are quite as Occulty as Elsa Bloodstone and Man-Thing. While they both have history in Marvel Comics they aren’t quite as well known in the main stream. Elsa Bloodstone certainly got a boost with the Marvel show Werewolf by Night (2022). And Man-Thing has been around since his first appearance in 1971.
But now they are making their way to the tabletop thanks to Atomic Mass Games. They also happened to send us a review copy and I had the pleasure of putting this one together! So let’s take a closer look at the contents and the miniatures.
The box itself is in the newer style of the “second edition” of MCP. It’s not really a second edition but… the newer products have a newer visual style than the initial introduction.
Elsa & Man-Thing Box Contents
Just as you’d expect inside the box is ALL the goods. Not only do you get the two sprues for the miniatures you also get all the cards you need to play them. And you get them in every supported language! Which means you’ll end up with essentially 4 playsets worth of cards. There’s also the special tokens that come along with this box. I’m guessing they are to mark targets that have been hit by Elsa’s Bloodgem Blast to denote they can’t heal this Activation Phase.
The sprues are pretty simple and straight forward. It’s interesting that AMG had to fit a few Man-Thing parts on Elsa Bloodstone’s sprue but they are a packaged product. At least we aren’t missing any bits!
If you’d like to check out their rules cards and ability breakdowns we covered those already. You can read about Elsa Bloodstone Here and Man-Things rules are Here.
Elsa Bloodstone Up Close
Elsa’s miniature is neat! Assembling this mini was also fairly easy. The only exception was her left leg/knee. You have to sort of position the miniature’s left foot on the tombstone and then get the angle correct with the upper leg. That also means the positioning of the leg will determine if you’ve got the left arm positioned correctly. There’s a notch in front of the tombstone where the gun butt is supposed to fit.
I didn’t get it positioned correctly. So I just cut off a bit of extra sprue and made a “rock” for the gun butt to rest on. Once I get her painted up you probably won’t be able to tell. The real question is why is there a tombstone in the middle of the street? That’s a mystery for another time.
As far as the rest of the miniature, I really like the pose. I totally forgot she was packing TWO long rifles. But hey, more power to her. This is a pose that certainly says “I mean business” and as a new leader for the Midnight Sons, I think she’ll do just fine.
Man-Thing Up Close
Man-Thing the miniature is also pretty easy to build. The only tricky bit was his “beard” that goes under his mouth/head. Be sure you attach that before you glue the face in place. I did not. I still managed to get in slotted in but it would have been way easier if I had glued it in before the face.
Other than that small mishap, the rest of the mini went together really smoothly. I’m a little intimidated to paint him up because his color palette is a lot of greens (duh). I don’t think I currently have enough green paints in my collection to do him justice. I need to pick-up some yellow-greens to really get this one right.
That said, I really like the details on him. There’s a lot of organic matter all over the miniature and I think that’s going to be fun to paint up. Hopefully, it will turn out cool for the tabletop!
They make quite the pair for sure! They are both joining the Midnight Sons Affiliation but can also be in the Defenders as well. I think they will make a fine addition to my collection!
Marvel: Crisis Protocol – Elsa Bloodstone & Man-Thing $44.99
Man-Thing is a durable tank, who punishes enemies for damaging his allies. Elsa Bloodstone, in her legendary monster hunter fashion, has ranged attacks that deal with supernatural and natural threats. They both bring an exciting next chapter to Marvel: Crisis Protocol and show just how much more can be added to the game.
It’s time to go Monster Huntin’!