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Legion of Everblight: Strider Blightblades

2 Minute Read
Feb 15 2015
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Legion is usually pretty light on infantry in most lists these days outside of Kallus. Why should you care about these new stealthy striders?

Let’s look at their abilities:

Combine melee
Crit grievous

Combine all those cool things listed above with a very high defense and speed and you are looking at jam unit that will take a special set of skills to get rid of.


Even if models can ignore stealth they will need a little luck or help hitting this unit’s defense reliably. Terrain is not going to slow these guys down at all. Combined is going to help them vs some higher DEF or ARM models. Ambush lets them get deep in the lines really fast. Crit grievous is nice when it happens.

What to do with these guys?
You can reliably get them deep behind the line with running ambush from the board edge. 3” from the board edge plus 14” run and about a 1” base means anything within 18” of a board edge can be engaged. Menoth choir are not going to be able to clear these guys easily and the following round the striders will make quick work of the support.


This unit is can be a great jam in most circumstances. With such a high base defense most units will need to combined melee or some kind of magical help to clear these guys.

Who do they work with?
This unit is actually probably best combined with Incubus. After getting deep into enemy lines dropping out some heavy hitting solo’s like incubi can cause a load of problems.
Bethayne makes their defense skyrocket vs living with ashen veil or aid in accuracy with carnivore. Lylth1 can make them go the extra mile with her feat aiding in the accuracy department and parasite making them hit a tad harder. Rhyas feat lets these guys make 3 attacks and some crazy positioning.
What do I do vs. these guys?
Anything to get around defense like collateral damage, electro leaps, and template/blast damage is going to make quick work of the low armor blightblades. Try keeping your support centralized so striders can’t get a direct line from the board edge to them. That journeymen warcaster is probably safer in the middle behind a stormwall anyways

So BOLS , what do you think of the new everblight strider blightblades? Auto include, broken, no big deal? Please leave your comments below. See y’all at LVO or Crucible in Feb.

Author: Revenant
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