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FANTASY: Bigred’s Druchii Update

2 Minute Read
May 4 2009

Hi guys. I’ve been heads down over the last couple of weeks becuase I have been painting up a storm…of Dark Elves.

With the impending tsunami of Imperial Guard coming my way, I told myself to get these guys cranked out now or never. They have come a long way since the last time you guys saw them, and there are still a few big units to go, but I’m now “over the hump”. I can see light at the end of the tunnel!

~As for my Fantasy generalship, well lets say I still have a long road ahead of me. I can officially beat players who are just starting the game, but crumple like a paper cup to any regular Warhammer Fantasy player. It would be so much easier if my primative Dark Eldar could just have Raiders and Dark Lances… 🙂

Author: Larry Vela