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2 Minute Read
Mar 5 2012

Who doesn’t want a free army?  We want to share the love a bit, and one of you lucky readers is going to be smiling later this month with a FREE new army tucked under their arm.

That’s right, we’re tired of hearing everyone say they have the best/biggest/friendliest/oldest/hairiest/loudest/foreignest/etc… wargaming website out there.  We just figured it would be best to hand out the prizes to one of our lucky readers.

Here’s what’s up for grabs.

A $400 shopping spree from Spikey Bits!
Thats $480 in full retail value!

That’s right folks, the lucky winner gets to cruise through the virtual aisles and load up your imaginary shopping cart with $400 bucks of whatever wargaming stuff you can lay your hands on – shipped straight to your door.

You like some of those “Cheapass 40k Armies” we’ve been talking about – Get Yourself One!
You want to extend your existing armies – Go Ahead!
Want a handful of new Tervigons or Thunderwolves – Grab Em!
Want to try out or pick up maybe even two Warmachine armies – No Problem!

This could be YOU!

Here’s how to enter the drawing

1) Register on the BoLS Lounge (WHAT, you haven’t already!!!)
2) Post ten times during the month of March (which also gives you full privileges on the Lounge)
3) Hone your hoping skills.


UPDATE: To be eligable you must live in the following countries (so SpikeyBits can ship to you):
United States, (Including APO’s FPO’s, Protectorates & Territories of the US), Australia, Germany, New Zealand, France, United Kingdom, Poland, and Canada.

The Deadline

ON MARCH 31, we will draw a random BoLS Lounge user in good standing (so don’t get banned), and they get the FREE ARMY SHOPPING SPREE courtesy of Spikey Bits. Its just that Simple!!!

~Good Luck, Get in there and make some new wargaming friends, and show off your latest hobby stuff, your latest tactics and lists, interesting gossip and thoughts!!! So what would you spend your $400 bucks on?


Author: Larry Vela
  • HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012!!!