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40k Editorial: Rise and Demise of the Deathstars

3 Minute Read
Aug 22 2014

Love ’em or hate ’em deathstars are still extremely potent in competitive play so let’s first cover some of the new deathstars that have emerged and those that will very soon hit the tables.

First up is BikeStar that took the BAO sans Space Wolves. The army was pure White Scars with an Imperial Knight.

Kor’sarro Khan (150)
— Moondrakkan

Command Squad (220)
+ Apothecary
— Space Marine Bikes
— Company Standard
— 3× Stormshield
— Power Fist

Chapter Master (260)
— Space Marine Bike
— Artificer Armour – Thunderhammer – The Shield Eternal – Digital Weapons

4x Space Marine Biker (184)
— 2× Grav-Gun
+ Sergeant
— Combi-Grav – Meltabombs
+ Attack Bike
— Multi-Melta

4x Space Marine Biker (174)
— 2× Meltagun
+ Sergeant
— Combi-Melta – Meltabombs
+ Attack Bike
— Multi-Melta

4x Space Marine Biker (174)
— 2× Meltagun
+ Sergeant
— Combi-Melta – Meltabombs
+ Attack Bike
— Multi-Melta

4x Space Marine Biker (184)
— 2× Plasmagun
+ Sergeant
— Plasma Pistol – Meltabombs
+ Attack Bike
— Multi-Melta


Fast Attack
Stormtalon Gunship (125)
— Skyhammer Missile Launcher

Knight Errant (370)

The BAO is very competitive with a lot of top players coming out so it’s an impressive win and shows that Space Wolves and Invisibility aren’t necessary.

Lance Formation
Next up is newly emerging Lance formation featuring a trio of Imperial Knights whose rules were just recently released in the Red Waaagh supplement – typical GW maneuver — the best formation is not Orks… The Lance formation allows the Knights to re roll their ion shield saves if they are within 3″ of each other. Also one Knight can be upgraded to a Seneschal for a 3++ re rollable save. I was at a local RTT last weekend and they rolled over everything.

I think Lance formation will be short lived though with the release of the new Space Wolf codex.


Thunderwolf Cavalry is less points now, you can take to six now per pack and each one can take a storm shield and power fist. Attach a couple of mounted Wolf Lords and a mounted Iron Priest… Sprinkle in some wolves — WolfStar is no joke and will crush Imperial Knights like so much tin foil with their guh zillion and one S10 AP2 melee attacks.

Wolf Lord (256)
— Runic Armor (20)
— Thunderwolf Mount (50)
— Thunderhammer (30)
— Storm Shield (15)
— Helm of Durfast (20)
— 2x Fenrisian Wolf (16)

Wolf Lord (231)
— Runic Armor (20)
— Thunderwolf Mount (50)
— Power Fist (25)
— Storm Shield (15)
— 2x Fenrisian Wolf (16)

6x Thunderwolf Cavalry (480)
— 6x Power Fist (150)
— 6x Storm Shield (90)

Iron Priest (165)
— Thunderwolf Mount (50)
— 4x Cyberwolf (60)

Total Points: 1132

All the Thunderwolf units combine into one ginormous uber-deathstar… It’s truly disgusting to say the least. Look out if you play xenos… Hurrr hurrr !

Grey Hunter Pack (229)
— 8x Grey Hunter (98)
— 8x Chainsword (18)
— Meltagun (10)
— Wolf Standard (25)


Wolf Guard Pack Leader (24)
— Meltabombs (5)
— Terminator Armor (15)
— Combi-Melta (5)
— Wolf Claw (10)

Drop Pod (35)

Grey Hunter Pack (229)
— 8x Grey Hunter (84)
— 8x Chainsword (18)
— Meltagun (10)
— Wolf Standard (25)

Wolf Guard Pack Leader (24)
— Meltabombs (5)
— Terminator Armor (15)
— Combi-Melta (5)
— Wolf Claw (10)

Drop Pod (35)

Grey Hunter Pack (229)
— 9x Grey Hunter (98)
— 9x Chainsword (18)
— 2x Meltagun (20)
— Wolf Standard (25)

Wolf Guard Pack Leader (24)
— Meltabombs (5)
— Terminator Armor (15)
— Combi-Melta (5)
— Wolf Claw (10)


Drop Pod (35)

Total Points (including WolfStar) = 1819

And finally the last new deathstar – the new Draigo (automatically has Gate of Infinity), Tigerius and a full squad of tooled out grav heavy Dev Centurions. Tigerius makes it fairly reliable to access Invisibility. Have fun against that one !

Up in Smoke… (and we hardly missed ya)
Finally is the soon to be demised BeaStar. I’m faintly certain you can can kiss good bye this deathstar since the Baron will be dis-included when GW releases the new Dark Eldar codex (i.e., no model policy). Jetseer Council and ScreamerStar have already both gone belly up since casting psychic powers is not nearly as reliable now.

So there you have it – a host of new improved deathstars and those that are quickly disappearing. It looks like the Imperials will dominate again.

So what Deathstars are growing like a weed or going extinct in your parts?


Author: Steve Turner
  • X-Wing: Selecting a Solid Squadron - The "Good" Ships