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40K/WFB: Nagash Returns & Nurgle Love Coming SOON!

2 Minute Read
Aug 9 2014
Warhammer 40K

Buckle your seatbelts, because GW is looking to shake things up BIGTIME in the weeks ahead!

Darnok says:

I have got the following bits from a birdy that has yet to let me down even once (and has tweeted to me for over a year):

– A “big thing” for WHF at the end of August – sadly no details, but the notion of “the shape of things to come!” … confirmed as being the return of Nagash

– Nurgle gets some love in October: a book, 3 plastic kits and a clampack – again, sadly no details about this

Arthurius11 follows up with:

Have some more “rumours” in regard to the end times campaign coming, as usual take them as you will. 

Along with Nagash and the vampire releases I mentioned earlier there will also be new release models for tomb kings, skaven, chaos and dark elves. 

Thanquol and bone ripper will be getting there own new models along with a new plastic vermin lord. There will also be new fantasy terrain.

There will be a new Nagash model.

There had been talk for almost a year now that GW is looking to radically shake up the status quo in Warhammer Fantasy, and a myriad of theories about exactly what that meant.  The return of perhaps the biggest baddie of them all in the Old World would be a step in that direction.

On the Nurgle front, I’m betting that there will be some dual use models in there for both WFB and 40K, and who knows what that book might be about.
~ I can’t wait for a modern 21st century Nagash model!  Here is some recent Nagash cover art to get you bubbling with anticipation:

Author: Larry Vela
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