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Total War: Warhammer Gameplay – Stunties vs Greenskins

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Sep 16 2015
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Total War: Warhammer is carrying the Massive Fantasy Battle genre on it’s shoulders – It’s Dwarves vs Orcs getting some screen time!

via Polygon, youtube

Colin gives a quick tour of the new fantasy take on the long-running Total War series.

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It’s a quick video and the commentary is good. You can tell at Colin is a fan of the Total War Franchise. This is nice because it’s a different take on the game vs someone like myself who’s a fan of Warhammer first and Total War a distant second. Still – it looks amazing and I’m more and more excited about this game the more I see. It really does a great job showcasing some of the mechanics in the game with the movement and flanking being so important. Total War: Warhammer is looking good.



I really hope they have some Chaos Units or a Chaos Campaign!

Author: Adam Harrison
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