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X-Wing: Enter The Defender

6 Minute Read
Apr 28 2016
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Fantasy Flight Games sheds some new light on the upcoming release of the TIE Defender in the Imperial Veterans Pack.

The new Imperial Veterans Pack is coming and we’ve already seen some new and exciting builds for the TIE Bomber. This time FFG wants to focus on the TIE Defender and just how effective it can be as well:

via Fantasy Flight Games


It has often been said that the best defense is a strong offense, and there are few X-Wing starfighters with more offensive potential than the TIE defender.

At the time of its introduction to the Galactic Civil War, the Galactic Empire’s TIE defender was arguably the galaxy’s greatest starfighter. And with three attack, three agility, three shields, and three hull, the TIE defender is just as fearsome in X-Wing.

In both the Galactic Civil War and in X-Wing, however, the TIE defender has been hindered by a single drawback—the high cost of its introduction into a squadron. The addition of shields, a hyperdrive, and improved weapons, along with all the other upgrades the TIE defender enjoyed over other TIE models, raised the cost of its production high enough that it never saw widespread use. Likewise, the fighter’s squad-point cost has historically limited its use in X-Wing.

While nothing can be done to impact the fighter’s use in a Civil War that concluded a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, much can—and will—be done for its use in X-Wing. Soon, with the Imperial Veterans Expansion Pack, everything changes.



Reinventing the TIE Defender

Perhaps the most noticeable addition to the TIE defender’s repertoire are the two new TIE Defender only Titleupgrades, the TIE/x7 and TIE/D . These were revealed in the announcement of Imperial Veterans, but both of them deserve more attention here.

Between the two of these Title upgrades, they fairly reinvent the TIE defender, dividing the ship’s singular identity into two new identities. The TIE/x7 strips down the TIE defender’s standard upgrade bar, but transforms it into a sleeker, faster, primary weapon-focused dogfighter. And the TIE/D Title goes in roughly the opposite route, re-emphasizing the ship’s ability to equip cannon upgrades.



The TIE/x7

At the cost of your missile and cannon upgrade slots, the TIE/x7 Title gives your TIE defender a free evade token every turn that you perform a three-, four-, or five-speed maneuver. Notably, the Title does not allow you to perform a free evade action; it simply assigns the token to your ship, meaning it functions even when your ship is stressed. That is more than action economy; that is a fundamental revision of the TIE defender’s very role: Fly fast; get slippery.


TIE defender pilots have long wanted to fly fast. Their speed “3” turns are white where their low-speed turns are red, and their signature speed “4” Koiogran-turn is also white. Accordingly, the TIE defender’s maneuver dial has lent the ship to flanking maneuvers, and it has not been uncommon to see TIE defenders slotted into squadrons that also feature mini-swarms or other, larger ships that might draw fire away from the defender. With the TIE/x7, you find more incentive to fly straight at your foes.



On the other hand, the TIE/D adds a new sheen to the ugprade slots the TIE/x7 abandons. By permitting your TIE defender pilots to fire twice each round—once with an equipped cannon of three or fewer squad points and once with a primary weapon—the TIE/D Title encourages you to explore what each of the low-cost cannons can add to your squad.

Currently, there are three different cannons the TIE/D can fire in combination with its primary weapons, the Tractor Beam , Flechette Cannon , and Ion Cannon . None of them can deal more than a single point of damage, and this has limited their use among competitive players, especially on the TIE defender which already boasts a potent primary attack.


You might fly Rexler Brath with Veteran Instincts , the TIE/D Title, and a Tractor Beam, then accompany him with Maarek Stele, Veteran Instincts, TIE/D, and another Tractor Beam. Although you can only reposition an enemy small-base ship the first time you assign it a tractor beam token, flying these pilots together increases your chances of catching your opponents off-guard, and they still leave you twenty-four squad points that you can use to add a couple of TIE fighters, a Lambda-class shuttle, or a flanker.



Getting the Most from Your TIE Defender

Of course, the TIE defender offers more than just its new Titles, and you need skillful pilots to be able to get the most from your fighters. To that end, Imperial Veterans introduces both the Glaive Squadron Pilot and a new version of Maarek Stele. It also gives us Countess Ryad , who arrives eager to take advantage of the defender’s notorious Koiogran-turn. In fact, she appears so eager to get behind her foes and pursue them across the battlefield that she can execute a Koiogran-turn anytime she reveals a straight maneuver.


Not only does this mean that Countess Ryad can perform Koiogran-turns at speeds “2” through “5,” but it means that all her Koiogran-turns are green. Not only is she able to use the maneuver to catch her foes off-guard, but she can perform it so cleanly as to shed stress, meaning that she may be one of the few TIE defender pilots to benefit from Push the Limit. Equipped with Push the Limit, the TIE/x7 Title, and the Twin Ion Engine Mk. II upgrade, Countess Ryad is a potent adversary, capable of flying straight at a cluster of foes, withstanding their fire, hammering their ships with her primary weapons, and then racing past them on a speed “2,” “3,” “4,” or “5” green Koiogran-turn to shed her stress, gain an evade token, and pursue her foes from behind their ranks and outside their firing arcs.


If you’d like to read more about the TIE Defender you can check out the full article direct from FFG. It’s got loads of really great info and tips. Personally, I think Countess Ryad is going to be one of the most dangerous Pilots around once this Expansion hits. Her pilot ability is just going to let you joust and immediately flip around and be on your target’s tail. I’m already putting together lists based around her:

Countess Ryad – TIE Defender – 39 Points

  • Tractor Beam
  • TIE/D Title
  • Predator or PTL – still going back and forth on this one
  • Twin Ion Engine Mk II

I was thinking about a list with Soontir Fel and the Countess…If you know their history you’ll appreciate the irony of having them team-up.



The TIE Defender and Bomber are returning with a BANG – Any one excited about this one?

Author: Adam Harrison
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